I have a problem with displaying vector tiles in QGIS. I get the tiles from GeoServer with application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile format enabled.
When I use the link to the tiles as a source for Mapbox GL JS, the data is displayed correctly
map.addSource("countries", {
type: "vector",
scheme: "tms",
tiles: [
But when I try to connect the link via Vector Tiles in QGIS, the data is displayed in its place, only on the smallest zoom, on the other zooms it is not displayed correctly.
The data is the starting set of the geometry of the countries from GeoServer in projection 4326. In QGIS, the connected layer has a projection of 3857. Project projection 3857.
I tried to change the projection in the link to 3857:
So the data is not displayed at all. The change to EPSG:4326 only led to other distortions.
I also tried downloading the source data, converting it to 3857, uploading it back to GeoServer and trying to display it. The result has not changed.
What am I doing wrong?