I have a project in QGIS that I need to add a raster file to (.nc). The projection is EPSG:4326, but its boundaries are 0 to 360. How can I center the raster over the Atlantic ocean (180). Or, change the project projection to be centered over the Pacific ocean? See image:

I have many rasters like this, so would need to change several files.


1 Answer 1


Solved this issue with some Python using rioxarray package. The code will open the .nc file with the raster, then convert extent from (0,360) to (-180,180).

import rioxarray
import xarray as xr

input_fp = 'file.nc'
output_fp = 'corrected_file.tif'

rds = rioxarray.open_rasterio(input_fp)

print("Available data variables:", rds.data_vars)
raster_variable_name = 'var_name'

rds_var = rds[raster_variable_name]
rds_var = rds_var.assign_coords(x=(((rds_var.x + 180) % 360) - 180)).sortby('x')

print(f"GeoTIFF saved as {output_fp}")

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