I have a set of files that I downloaded with extensions (.e00, .e01, .e02, etc). I have read that these are files used by ARC Info mainly, but I do not have ARC and nor am I really that interested in downloading it. The funnier thing is that I am able to convert a .e00 file in QGIS to a .shp set, but if the file has been broken into many .e0n files, QGIS does not recognize the others and leaves me with only have my shapefile. I have tried taking the other files and copying and pasting their contents to the end of the .e00 file, but this resulted in a very erroneous shape in QGIS. I have been searching for some while now if there is a way to do this with ogr2ogr, but haven't found anything for a set of files like this. I also downloaded e002shp, but had no idea on how to go about using it and didn't find much online for that one.

Can you tell me any command-line tools I could use (preferably ogr2ogr) or a way to do this in QGIS?

3 Answers 3


if you are on windows you can read all about it here http://freegeographytools.com/2007/converting-e00-vector-data-to-shapefiles-a-free-and-fairly-painless-approach


What you want is the batch importer by esri import71.exe


Then I guess you would need to convert the arc to shp since you don't have esri with...


Sorry I have not tried the second software. I have autodesk map and arcgis as well as FME and they all convert arcinfo to shape. If this is a one time problem you might find someone (like me) willing to help.

ogr2ogr t5190.shp t5190.e00

Should do the trick.

Sometimes you could try combining the files prior to running ogr2ogr.

cat filename.e0* >filename-merged.e00

Other possibilities: there is a module in saga gis (Import ESRI E00 File) that can do the trick. From that link it seems that also grass has a function to import these files.


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