I am trying to reproject GeoTIFF datasets (of various SRS) to the S2 PCS using GDAL. For demonstration I am using a downscaled GEBCO dataset.
I would like to reproject my source dataset to the overlapping S2 faces. So for global datasets I would like to have 6 output datasets of similar size. For local datasets I would like to have only a couple of datasets, that cover the specific area.
My GDAL commands look something like this:
gdalwarp gebco_large.tif s2.tif -t_srs "+proj=s2 +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +UVtoST=quadratic"
This results in an output image, where the georeferenced corner coordinates are outside of the valid st range.
For example:
Upper Left ( -3.4121903, 4.4121903) ( 45d 0' 0.00"W, 1d35'29.04"N)
Lower Left ( -3.4121903, -3.4127405) ( 45d 0'26.05"E, 1d35'28.31"N)
Upper Right ( 4.4127405, 4.4121903) (135d 0'26.05"W, 1d35'28.31"N)
Lower Right ( 4.4127405, -3.4127405) (135d 0' 0.00"E, 1d35'27.59"N)
Center ( 0.5002751, 0.4997249) (135d 0' 0.00"E, 89d58'13.70"N)
Is there a way I can clamp these to [0, 1], so that the output is a correct s2 dataset? Also projecting to sides lat0_0=0 lat0_0=0 does not work at all.