I use the code sample from https://flatgeobuf.org/examples/leaflet/large.html. My code is following:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => { console.log('THERE');
//map = L.map('map', {
// zoomControl:false, maxZoom:28, minZoom:1
let map = L.map('map').setView([lat, lng], 15);
L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 19,
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
//var hash = new L.Hash(map);
//map.attributionControl.setPrefix('qgis2web · Leaflet · QGIS');
//var autolinker = new Autolinker({truncate: {length: 30, location: 'smart'}});
// remove popup's row if "visible-with-data"
function removeEmptyRowsFromPopupContent(content, feature) {
var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
tempDiv.innerHTML = content;
var rows = tempDiv.querySelectorAll('tr');
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var td = rows[i].querySelector('td.visible-with-data');
var key = td ? td.id : '';
if (td && td.classList.contains('visible-with-data') && feature.properties[key] == null) {
return tempDiv.innerHTML;
// add class to format popup if it contains media
function addClassToPopupIfMedia(content, popup) {
var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
tempDiv.innerHTML = content;
if (tempDiv.querySelector('td img')) {
// Delay to force the redraw
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
} else {
//var zoomControl = L.control.zoom({
// position: 'topleft'
//var bounds_group = new L.featureGroup([]);
//var bounds_group1 = new L.featureGroup([]);
//function setBounds() {
//map.getPane('pane_TaiwaneMapnew_0').style.zIndex = -1;
// var layer_TaiwaneMapnew_0 = L.WMS.layer("http://maps.nlsc.gov.tw/S_Maps/wms", "EMAP97", {
// pane: 'pane_TaiwaneMapnew_0',
// format: 'image/png',
// uppercase: true,
// transparent: true,
// continuousWorld : true,
// tiled: true,
// info_format: 'text/html',
// opacity: 1,
// identify: false,
// attribution: '',
// optionally show some meta-data about the FGB file
function handleHeaderMeta(headerMeta) {
const header = document.getElementById('header')
const formatter = new JSONFormatter(headerMeta, 10)
while (header.firstChild)

        // For the example, we fix a visible Rect representing the query
        // bounding box in the middle of the map
        function getBoundForRect() {
            //const widthMeters = 200;
            //return map.getCenter().toBounds(widthMeters);
            const bounds = map.getBounds();

            const width = map.distance(bounds.getNorthWest(), bounds.getNorthEast());
            const height = map.distance(bounds.getNorthWest(), bounds.getSouthWest());
            return map.getCenter().toBounds(Math.min(width, height) * 0.41);

        // convert the rect into the format flatgeobuf expects
  function fgBoundingBox() {
            const bounds = getBoundForRect();
            return {
                minY: bounds.getSouth(),
                maxY: bounds.getNorth(),
                minX: bounds.getWest(),
                maxX: bounds.getEast(),
        bboxObjectToArray = (obj) => [
            [obj.minX, obj.minY],
            [obj.maxX, obj.maxY],
// show a leaflet rect corresponding to our bounding box
rectangle = L.rectangle(getBoundForRect(), {
interactive: false,
color: "blue",
fillOpacity: 0.1,
opacity: 1.0,
// track the previous results so we can remove them when adding new results
let previousResults = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
async function updateResults() {
// remove the old results
const nextResults = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
previousResults = nextResults;

            // Use flatgeobuf JavaScript API to iterate features as geojson.
            // Because we specify a bounding box, flatgeobuf will only fetch the relevant subset of data,
            // rather than the entire file.
            const colorScale = ((d) => {
                return d > 7500 ? '#800026' :
                    d > 5000 ? '#BD0026' :
                    d > 2500  ? '#E31A1C' :
                    d > 1000 ? '#FC4E2A' :
                    d > 500   ? '#FD8D3C' :
                    d > 250  ? '#FEB24C' :
                    d > 100   ? '#FED976' :
            const iter = flatgeobuf.deserialize('data/Gy_A_rice_weight_UTMz51_1.fgb',bboxObjectToArray(fgBoundingBox()),handleHeaderMeta);
            const results = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
            let i = 0;results1 = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [] };
            for await(let feature of iter){//console.log("FEATURE:"+feature);
                results1.features.push({...feature, id: i});
                // Leaflet styling
                const defaultStyle = { 
                    color: colorScale(feature.properties["Area"]), 
                    weight: 1, 
                    fillOpacity: 0.4,
                L.geoJSON(feature, {
                    style: defaultStyle,
                    'mouseover': function(e) {
                        const layer = e.target;
                            weight: 4,
                            fillOpacity: 0.8,
                    'mouseout': function(e) {
                        const layer = e.target;
               }).bindPopup(`${feature.properties["Area"]} people live in this census block.</h1>`).addTo(nextResults);//.bindPopup(`${feature.properties["Area"]} people live in this census block.</h1>`)
        // if the user is panning around alot, only update once per second max
        updateResults = _.throttle(updateResults, 100);
        // show a leaflet rect corresponding to our bounding box
        //let rectangle = L.rectangle(getBoundForRect(), { color: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.7, opacity: 1.0 }).addTo(map);
        // Render the bounding box rectangle

        // show results based on the initial map
        // ...and update the results whenever the map moves
        map.on("moveend", function(s){

Data is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s5721ev5tddmakobl3g92/Gy_A_rice_weight_UTMz51_1.fgb?rlkey=dxd6359fmhfa0y151y6wv89b8&st=t691m0ar&dl=0

Sample code gives the right filtering number: 470 features: My code gives me all the features, which is not desirable: 105,014 features

I've checked over n over but still can't figure out why.

  • 2
    You write about "the right filtering number" in your question. Which number is that? When I run the code sample, I don't see this number displayed anywhere. Please edit your question and add info about what is this "the right filtering number" referring to.
    – TomazicM
    Commented Oct 21 at 7:51
  • 1
    Please don't put additional explanations in comments. Rather edit the question and put them there.
    – TomazicM
    Commented Oct 22 at 7:35
  • @TomazicM, thank you for the heads up, and I've updated my question.
    – Myprofiler
    Commented Oct 23 at 0:49
  • Without access to your data it's impossible to say why it does not work for you.
    – TomazicM
    Commented Oct 23 at 7:35
  • data link:dropbox.com/scl/fi/s5721ev5tddmakobl3g92/…
    – Myprofiler
    Commented Oct 24 at 2:02

1 Answer 1


The problem is that CRS of your FlatGeobuf data is not EPSG:4326, but EPSG:3857. This means you have to unproject it to EPSG:4326 when loading feature into GeoJSON layer and project bounding box to EPSG:3857 for getting features from FlatGeobuf data.

Projecting bounding box to EPSG:3857 can be done like this:

function fgBoundingBox() {
  const bounds = getBoundForRect();
  const sw = L.CRS.EPSG3857.project(bounds.getSouthWest());
  const ne = L.CRS.EPSG3857.project(bounds.getNorthEast());
  return {
    minY: sw.y,
    maxY: ne.y,
    minX: sw.x,
    maxX: ne.x,

Unprojecting data to EPSG:4326 before loading feature into GeoJSON layer is done with Turf turf.toWgs84 method. Relevant part of the code is:

const iter = flatgeobuf.deserialize('data/Gy_A_rice_weight_UTMz51_1.fgb', fgBoundingBox(), handleHeaderMeta);
  const results = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
  try {
    let i = 0;
    results1 = {type: "FeatureCollection", features: []};
    for await(let feature of iter){
      if (feature!=null) {
        results1.features.push({...feature, id: i});
      const defaultStyle = { 
        color: colorScale(feature.properties["Area"]), 
        weight: 1, 
        fillOpacity: 0.4,
      L.geoJSON(turf.toWgs84(feature), {
        style: defaultStyle,
        'mouseover': function(e) {
          const layer = e.target;
            weight: 2,
            fillOpacity: 0.8,
        'mouseout': function(e) {
          const layer = e.target;
     }).bindPopup(`${feature.properties["Area"]} people live in this census block.</h1>`).addTo(nextResults);//.bindPopup(`${feature.properties["Area"]} people live in this census block.</h1>`)
  updateResults = _.throttle(updateResults, 100);

This is the result: enter image description here

  • thank you so much for pointing out the problem source; however, your code seems not running on my side, the results returns 0:{type: 'FeatureCollection', features: Array(0)}, I wonder is it because fgBoundingBox sequence mapping?
    – Myprofiler
    Commented Oct 25 at 0:49
  • there's a typo 'data/Gy_A_rice_weight_UTMz51_1.fgb.mbtiles', should be 'data/Gy_A_rice_weight_UTMz51_1.fgb'
    – Myprofiler
    Commented Oct 25 at 5:55
  • @Myprofiler Corrected. Not really a typo, I added extension when doing test, since my local server does not now about MIME type .fgb.
    – TomazicM
    Commented Oct 25 at 7:52
  • So does it finally work for you?
    – TomazicM
    Commented Oct 25 at 7:54
  • Not really, I use this code with my fgb file. The result is 0, which not filter, if I add bboxtoobjectarray the result is 105,014. After that I use new fgb projected to 4326, the result is 105,014 again. Still not able to get results above…
    – Myprofiler
    Commented Oct 26 at 4:10

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