
I am using QGIS Expressions for showing images in DISPLAY hints:

After some trail and error the following works:

<img src= "file:///[% @project_folder || to_string('/BILDER/') || "BILD" %]">

where BILDER is the folder with the images and BILD is the field in the attribute-table, which contains the image-names like pic1.png.

I did look at the official documentation: https://docs.qgis.org/3.34/en/docs/user_manual/expressions/expression.html but I could not find any information about:

A) file:/// , why do I have to use it in the html-image-tag in QGIS? In any html-browser (e.g. Chrome) the source-tag has no file-part, eg:

B) Why do I have sometimes to use [% %] for enclosing QGIS-Expressions?

C) @expression : the @ seems to be necessary for identifying "variables", which can have different values like the "variable" @project-folder. Is this true?

1 Answer 1


A) see File URI scheme

B) see 16.1.13. Display Properties and 22.2.4. The Label Item

C) see 13.2.27. Variables

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