Is it possible to combine a virtual layer with a layer in group? For my project:

  • I create a group "A"
  • place a point layer "A"
  • place a virtual layer "A" with a little script of intersection of boundary

Now I need this group as a template for further point group, but the name of the point layer is another and the group name also (lets say "B"). Inside this layer it should automaticly place a virtual layer with the script and the name of the point layer in this group. Or the underlaying point layer´s name.

So I will need to create a template stack with one point layer and one virtual layer. Is this possible?

EDIT: or is it possible, to get point layers id (number) to substract it from virtual layers id. E.g. pointlayer ID 10, virtLayer ID 11, so I know, 11-1 (underlaying) is 10.

  • I doubt a VL can use another layer by relative position. An alternative would be to create a small python script that creates the VL using the name of the selected layer and places the new VL right below the selected one in the table of content.
    – JGH
    Commented Nov 7 at 17:30
  • how to do this "VL can use another layer by relative position"? the script must work in QField (later) too. I can create it in QGIS and export the project to QField. Commented Nov 11 at 12:54


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