I am looking for a way to get all selected features from a map which belongs to a specific feature class (shapefile, geo database,…).

To be more specific and to give you a real case for my question: I want check if the feature class of selected feature has a special field. If this is the case I want to get the value of this field from the selected feature and add this value into a combobox. This process should be repeated for all selected features.

I tried the following but it crashed with an object reference error.

List<string> list = new List<string>();
IMap Pmap = doc.FocusMap;
IEnumFeature pEnumFeat = (IEnumFeature)Pmap.FeatureSelection;
IFields fields;
  IFeature pfeat = pEnumFeat.Next();
  while (pfeat != null)
    fields = pfeat.Fields;
    int x = fields.FindField("ID_K");
    if (!x.Equals(-1))
    pfeat = pEnumFeat.Next();
catch (Exception e)


I've found a solution. Here is the working code:

List<string> list = new List<string>();
IMap Pmap = doc.FocusMap;
IEnumFeature pEnumFeat = (IEnumFeature)Pmap.FeatureSelection;
IFields fields;
IEnumFeatureSetup enumFeatSetup = (IEnumFeatureSetup)pEnumFeat;
enumFeatSetup.AllFields = true;
   IFeature pfeat = pEnumFeat.Next();

   while (pfeat != null)
      fields = pfeat.Fields;
      int x = fields.FindField("ID_K");

      pfeat = pEnumFeat.Next();
 catch (Exception e)

These two line are especially important.

IEnumFeatureSetup enumFeatSetup = (IEnumFeatureSetup)pEnumFeat;
enumFeatSetup.AllFields = true;

If you don't use them you've only the shapefile included (default) and not the other fields and values.

  • What line in your code does the error occur on?
    – artwork21
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 19:46
  • pfeat.get_Value(x).ToString() ->Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    – FredFloete
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 19:52
  • Just a thought, as I'm not very familiar with arcobjects, but is get_Value() looking for a field object and not just an index integer? So instead of get_Value(x) would get_Value(fields[x]) do anything?
    – bluefoot
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 21:16
  • get_Value needs an integer for the index of the field.
    – FredFloete
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 21:19
  • What value are you getting for x?
    – bluefoot
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 21:28

1 Answer 1


Are you sure the value of the field isn't null? What about:

if (!x.Equals(-1))
  object value = pfeat.get_Value(x);
  list.Add(value == null ? null : value.ToString());

I'm not sure if you want to inline the null test, you could always do:

if (!x.Equals(-1))
  object value = pfeat.get_Value(x);
  if(value != null)
  • Thanks for the reply. Yes, for all elements in the feature class the field is set with a valid value.
    – FredFloete
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 19:56
  • Huh, I might be stumped then. From the error and the line number, there's a limited number of things that could be null. "list" certainly isn't, but I don't see how "pfeat" could be.
    – BDA
    Commented Feb 15, 2013 at 20:14

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