I know that you can grant privileges for users using ArcCatalog for the whole Dataset as letting them select, update, delete and insert feature classes. But my question is how could I grant the privileges for each feature class in the Dataset for users.

Example :

Users     Feature Class
_____     _____________
 1             Ftr 1
 2             Ftr 2

User 1 can read and edit on Ftr1 but can only read Ftr2, and User 2 can read and edit on Ftr2 but can only read Ftr1. While Ftr1 and Ftr2 are within the same Dataset

1 Answer 1


I found an answer for this question in this link which can help a lot, I finally find it after a deep research http://support.esri.com/en/knowledgebase/techarticles/detail/25830

But if there is any other answer, please tell me about it to correct this post and know the right information about it.


Can different privileges be granted to feature classes within a feature dataset?


All feature classes within a feature dataset must have the same privileges. This is by design. Therefore, it is not possible to grant different privileges to feature classes within a feature dataset.

The role of a feature dataset is to group topologically-related feature classes. Therefore, a user must have uniform privileges on all feature classes in a dataset. For example, it would not make sense to have edit privileges on a feature class of electrical lines but only read privileges on the poles to which they are connected in a network.

The feature dataset plays an important role in managing privileges. By design, the feature dataset enforces that all feature classes it contains share the same privileges; this is contingent on managing privileges through ArcCatalog, which is required when working with a geodatabase. For example, if in ArcCatalog a user right-clicks a feature dataset and selects Privileges, ArcCatalog will automatically grant privileges to all feature classes it contains. The converse is true when revoking privileges from a dataset.

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