I need to group by a period of time spliting up by 10 minutes.

I have this query below that returns me a result set:

SELECT timestamp
    FROM table_1, table_2_shape_polygon
    WHERE ST_Within(earthnetworks_geometry_raios, poligono_geometry)
      AND timestamp 
      BETWEEN '2013-04-07 15:30:00' AND '2013-04-07 16:50:00'
      AND type = 0
      AND id_polygon = 2

My result set is like this:

"2013-04-07 15:30:55"
"2013-04-07 15:32:52"
"2013-04-07 15:32:52"
"2013-04-07 15:34:21"
"2013-04-07 15:39:09"
"2013-04-07 16:24:25"
"2013-04-07 16:29:58"
"2013-04-07 16:33:22"
"2013-04-07 16:34:30"
"2013-04-07 16:35:09"
"2013-04-07 16:36:54"
"2013-04-07 16:38:40"
"2013-04-07 16:39:37"
"2013-04-07 16:39:37"
"2013-04-07 16:39:38"
"2013-04-07 16:39:38"
"2013-04-07 16:39:44"
"2013-04-07 16:39:56"
"2013-04-07 16:40:03"
"2013-04-07 16:40:04"
"2013-04-07 16:41:22"
"2013-04-07 16:41:27"
"2013-04-07 16:41:38"
"2013-04-07 16:41:38"
"2013-04-07 16:42:24"
"2013-04-07 16:42:39"
"2013-04-07 16:45:00"
"2013-04-07 16:45:40"
"2013-04-07 16:49:43"

I have all timestamps in between a period, but I need to group it every 10 minutes and I have no idea how. I tried date_trunc which does not have the precision I need.

ex: between 2013-04-07 15:30:00, 2013-04-07 15:40:00 5 results.

How can I do this?

I tried this and it did not work as expected.

    timestamp 'epoch' +
    INTERVAL '1 second' * round((extract('epoch' from earthnetworks_dt_horario) / 600) * 600) as horario,
FROM raios.earthnetworks, raios.earthnetworks_teste_poligono
WHERE ST_Within(earthnetworks_geometry_raios, poligono_geometry)
      AND earthnetworks_dt_horario 
      BETWEEN '2013-04-07 15:30:00' AND '2013-04-07 16:50:00'
      AND earthnetworks_num_tipo = 0
      AND id_poligono = 2
round(extract('epoch' from earthnetworks_dt_horario) / 600), earthnetworks_dt_horario

This is the result set not grouped:

"2013-04-07 16:29:58";1
"2013-04-07 16:34:30";1
"2013-04-07 16:33:22";1
"2013-04-07 16:39:44";1
"2013-04-07 16:39:56";1
"2013-04-07 16:42:24";1
"2013-04-07 16:41:38";2
"2013-04-07 16:24:25";1
"2013-04-07 16:39:38";2
"2013-04-07 16:42:39";1
"2013-04-07 16:41:27";1
"2013-04-07 16:36:54";1
"2013-04-07 16:45:00";1
"2013-04-07 16:40:04";1
"2013-04-07 16:40:03";1
"2013-04-07 15:34:21";1
"2013-04-07 15:30:55";1
"2013-04-07 15:39:09";1
"2013-04-07 16:49:43";1
"2013-04-07 16:45:40";1
"2013-04-07 16:35:09";1
"2013-04-07 16:38:40";1
"2013-04-07 16:39:37";2
"2013-04-07 16:41:22";1
"2013-04-07 15:32:52";2

It did not work.

  • You could convert the timestamp into a varchar and substring it to something like "2013-04-07 15:3" then group by that field. Might be a taxing method compared to the mentioned timestamp functions in the other answers.
    – cgage1
    Commented Apr 23, 2021 at 16:42

4 Answers 4


You can use this for PostgreSQL. 600 is 10 minutes in seconds. The idea is to convert timestamp to epoch, divide by interval desired in minutes then round to get the desired interval

to_timestamp(floor((extract('epoch' from timestamp_column) / 600 )) * 600) 
AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' as interval_alias

There are a few handy datetime functions. First, deconstruct the timestamps with date_trunc to each hour, then do some integer division with the minutes with date_part to make an interval, which is recombined.

    date_trunc('hour', timestamp) +
    (((date_part('minute', ts)::integer / 10::integer) * 10::integer)
     || ' minutes')::interval AS ten_min_timestamp
FROM sometable_or_joins_or_whatever
GROUP BY ten_min_timestamp;
  • This works well with all the conditions, must have been upvoted. But I am not sure why || ' minutes' has been used in date_part. Commented Oct 25, 2018 at 11:44
  • integer || 'minutes' is used to create an interval type, for example "8 minutes", which is added to the timestamp.
    – Mike T
    Commented Oct 25, 2018 at 20:45

you can use this answer by replacing 300 by 600 (the number of seconds in 10 minutes)


I did something similar in mySql by grouping by timestamp - MOD(timestamp, 600), the return value of which will be same for all timestamps within a 10 min (600 sec) intevall.

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