If you look on the home page at http://www.openstack.org/ there appears to be a "Latest" section, and that looks to list projects using the technology, among other news related to it, I would suggest you read through that and other news pages on the site, you'll most likley find the info you need there.
Excerpt from the main web page's latest section...
Announcing eDeploy Fri, Jun 21st 2013
Kwapi: an energy efficiency architecture Thu, Jun 20th 2013
Roadmap for Heat Havana (part 1)It's been quite a… Thu, Jun 20th 2013
[Live Demo 06-26-2013] Build Your Private Cloud with Open Source Software: SUSE Cloud powered by OpenStack Thu, Jun 20th 2013
An history of OpenStack open source project governance Thu, Jun 20th 2013
The second option (Kwapi) appears to be a project using OpenStack
As I previously mentioned however, if you browse through the various pages of the site there are many pages that list amongst other things, Projects that use the technology.