Working with my data set on Late Woodland Village reanalysis in QGIS, the previous question was somewhat answered by defining the issue as a many to one. As a work-around, I summarized the info into comma separated values within cells. For instance, temper would be SC, LS, H, SF as possible combinations. Likewise I have created a template of decorative attributes numbered from 1-77.
When I do a simple query for SC, it gives me all 15. But in Advanced Query, I get different answers.
In Dec Attributes, if I set the sample as 3, it gives me all of the strings with 3 in them, rather than just 3.
The first question is how do I select one string set out of all the others and the second question is how I select SC from Temper and 35 from Dec Attributes at the same time?
Thanks in advance.