I'm fairly new to the arcpy world. I am trying to create a script in 10.0 that will load a dataset (file geodatabase) into ArcSDE and rename the feature classes with a prefix, i.e. San_Diego_Bay -> AJ_San_Diego_Bay. My script is below and is very basic for loading shapefiles into a geodatabase. I would like to load a file geodatabase into an ArcSDE Feature Dataset. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "Z:/Data/Test_arcpy"

# Set local variables
inFeatures = ["Atlantic_Offshore_Areas.shp", "C_C_mauritania.shp", "E_Class.shp", "San_Diego_Bay.shp"]
outLocation = "Z:/Data/Test_arcpy/test_two_arcpy.gdb"

# Execute TableToGeodatabase
arcpy.FeatureClassToGeodatabase_conversion(inFeatures, outLocation)

1 Answer 1


The attached script should help. The general idea here is to loop through your directory with a for loop and use Feature Class to Feature class to copy the shapefiles to a FGDB. When you define the output name, you have to strip the ".shp" extension or else you will receive errors.

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set workspace
env.workspace = "Z:/Data/Test_arcpy"
Dir = env.workspace

# Set local variables
out_path = "Z:/Data/Test_arcpy/test_two_arcpy.gdb"

# List the shapefiles in your directory
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()

# Alternatively, create your own subset
#fclist = ["Atlantic_Offshore_Areas.shp", "C_C_mauritania.shp", "E_Class.shp", "San_Diego_Bay.shp"]

for fc in fclist:

    # Manipulate the string
    name = "AJ_" + str(fc.rsplit(".",1)[0])

     # Execute FeatureClassToFeatureClass
    arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(fc, out_path, name)

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