What are the rules for naming valid feature classes and tables in ArcGIS Desktop, and is there any supporting document which can explain all the dataset naming limitations?
1Depends on what datatype you are using, eh?– Chad CooperCommented Mar 2, 2011 at 15:29
I am using shape file and file geodatabase– iRfAnCommented Mar 2, 2011 at 15:33
3something poorly documented: don't use a number for the first character of a dataset.– Kirk KuykendallCommented Mar 2, 2011 at 15:38
This is exactly my problem, i am trying to use number for the first character of dataset, no problem in shape file but file geodatabase is giving me error– iRfAnCommented Mar 2, 2011 at 15:43
Sorry, but trying to solve a similar problem: while importing in gdb, how do I add date before the name? ex: name.shp -> 120706_name feature class– Luca MoianaCommented Jul 6, 2012 at 7:58
3 Answers
It's in the documentation: Defining feature class properties
Names must begin with a letter, not a number or special character such as an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%). Names can't have any characters other than alphanumeric characters and underscores.
This question has been answered by Swingley above... But, in terms of automating this procedure, you could write a script that implements the IFieldChecker.ValidateTableName method. If i remember correctly it returns a corrected name with invalid characters replaced with underscores.
I am aware of validateTableName but here is my situation, i have shape files "1-Digit postcode.shp, 2-digit postcode.shp" and when i use validateTableName on these two shape file i will get result for both "_Digit_postcode.shp". I think i need to write my own function for this table name validation.– iRfAnCommented Mar 3, 2011 at 8:18
it's been a whole so correct me if i am wrong but if you use the workspace parameter, you should in fact get "_Digit_postcode.shp" and "_Digit_postcode_1.shp" Commented Mar 4, 2011 at 13:04
Since ArcGIS 10.3, there is an arcpy
function ValidateTableName
Takes a table name and a workspace path and returns a valid table name for the workspace. An underscore "_" will replace any invalid character found in the table name and will honor the name restrictions for the workspace. The table name restrictions depend on the specific RDBMS used.