(Credit to @Russell at ISC for the use of the modulo operator.)
We have a table in SQL Server with a column of geography data type, called [GeoCoor].
This is how we convert to degrees, minutes, and seconds:
[GeoCoor].[Lat] as [DecimalLatitude],
floor(ABS([GeoCoor].[Lat]))*(CASE WHEN [GeoCoor].[Lat] < 0 then -1 ELSE 1 END) as [LatDegrees],
convert(int,ABS([GeoCoor].[Lat])*60) % 60 as [LatMinutes],
convert(decimal(4,2),convert(decimal(17,10),ABS([GeoCoor].[Lat])*3600) % 60) as [LatSeconds],
[GeoCoor].[Long] as [DecimalLongitude],
floor(ABS([GeoCoor].[Long]))*(CASE WHEN [GeoCoor].[Long] < 0 then -1 ELSE 1 END) as [LongDegrees],
convert(int,ABS([GeoCoor].[Long])*60) % 60 as [LongMinutes],
convert(decimal(4,2),convert(decimal(17,10),ABS([GeoCoor].[Long])*3600) % 60) as [LongSeconds]
FROM SQLTableWithGeographyData
This creates separate columns for degrees, minutes, and seconds, which we put together later at the application or report layer.