I have shape column of type geometry and I want to convert X and Y coordinates into Degree Minutes Second format using SQL query and i am using sql server 2008 R2.

Currently I got Lat and long using this query

Select W.SHAPE.STY as latitude, W.SHAPE.STX as longitude from tbdata
  • Do you mean you want to store the actual geometry as DMS, or you want to convert the native geometry type to DMS for querying? Commented Jul 26, 2013 at 15:04
  • Does the solution can be also used with Geography ?
    – Royi Namir
    Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 9:14

2 Answers 2


Here's an implementation of the formula from Wikipedia, except that this will truncate fractional seconds because SQL only allows the modulo operator with ints.

DECLARE @geom geometry;

SET @geom = geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT(-83.255 32.567477)', 4326);

SELECT CASE WHEN @geom.STX < 0 then '-' ELSE '' END +
    CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STX)) as varchar) + ' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STX) * 60) AS INT) % 60 as varchar) + ''' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STX) * 3600) AS INT) % 60 AS VARCHAR) + '"',
  CASE WHEN @geom.STY < 0 then '-' ELSE '' END +
    CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STY)) as varchar) + ' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STY) * 60) AS INT) % 60 as varchar) + ''' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STY) * 3600) AS INT) % 60 AS VARCHAR) + '"'

or for N, S, E, W rather than signs

DECLARE @geom geometry;

SET @geom = geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT(-83.255 32.567477)', 4326);

SELECT CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STX)) as varchar) + ' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STX) * 60) AS INT) % 60 as varchar) + ''' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STX) * 3600) AS INT) % 60 AS VARCHAR) + '"' +
    CASE WHEN @geom.STX < 0 then ' W' ELSE ' E' END,
  CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STY)) as varchar) + ' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STY) * 60) AS INT) % 60 as varchar) + ''' ' +
    CAST(CAST(FLOOR(ABS(@geom.STY) * 3600) AS INT) % 60 AS VARCHAR) + '"' +
    CASE WHEN @geom.STY < 0 then ' S' ELSE ' N' END 
  • thanks man but what about N S E W value...???
    – Gunner
    Commented Jul 26, 2013 at 16:42
  • 1
    Remove the "CASE WHEN geom.STX < 0 then '-' ELSE '' END +" at the start and add "+ CASE WHEN geom.STX < 0 then ' W' ELSE ' E' END" at the end. Similarly for STY < 0 is S otherwise N. Note ampersand omitted because the comment editor yacked on it. Commented Jul 26, 2013 at 16:49
  • Shouldn't this be used with geography rather than geometry ? but geography doesn't have STX....
    – Royi Namir
    Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 8:56
  • @Royi, can use it with either, see Baodad below for using geography. Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 14:31

(Credit to @Russell at ISC for the use of the modulo operator.)
We have a table in SQL Server with a column of geography data type, called [GeoCoor].

This is how we convert to degrees, minutes, and seconds:

[GeoCoor].[Lat] as [DecimalLatitude],
floor(ABS([GeoCoor].[Lat]))*(CASE WHEN [GeoCoor].[Lat] < 0 then -1 ELSE 1 END) as [LatDegrees],
convert(int,ABS([GeoCoor].[Lat])*60) % 60 as [LatMinutes],
convert(decimal(4,2),convert(decimal(17,10),ABS([GeoCoor].[Lat])*3600) % 60) as [LatSeconds],
[GeoCoor].[Long] as [DecimalLongitude],
floor(ABS([GeoCoor].[Long]))*(CASE WHEN [GeoCoor].[Long] < 0 then -1 ELSE 1 END) as [LongDegrees],
convert(int,ABS([GeoCoor].[Long])*60) % 60 as [LongMinutes],
convert(decimal(4,2),convert(decimal(17,10),ABS([GeoCoor].[Long])*3600) % 60) as [LongSeconds]
FROM SQLTableWithGeographyData

This creates separate columns for degrees, minutes, and seconds, which we put together later at the application or report layer.

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