I'm a newbie with grass and I'm using grass (6.4.3) with the GUI... running Ubuntu 13.04 for what it's worth.

Here is my region :

projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)
zone:       0
datum:      ** unknown (default: WGS84) **
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:      871548
south:      871035
west:       176353
east:       176851
nsres:      1
ewres:      1
rows:       513
cols:       498
cells:      255474

Here are the five first lines of the files from which I created a vector map with v.in.ascii :


In table manager I have :

cat dbl_1 dbl_2 dbl_3 str_1
integer double precision double precision double precision character

I'd like to get a raster from this, so I'm trying to use v.surf.idw.

I cannot understand what to put in the column argument of this function.

When I put dbl_3, I get :
6423 records selected from table
WARNING : No record for point (cat = 6424)
WARNING : No record for point (cat = 6425)
0 points loaded
ERROR: No data points found

When I put double precision it is not working, I've tried every ways I can think of.

Thanks for reading me.

1 Answer 1


It is (v.surf.idw):

v.surf.idw input=your_vector_point output=resulting_raster column=your_field_z (npoints=n power=n)

but you must before fix the region on your vector layer

g.region vect=your_vector_point


ERROR: No data points found
  • You may want to also add the target raster resolution for g.region (res=xx)
    – markusN
    Commented Sep 12, 2013 at 20:01
  • Just to be crystal clear, my field z is : dbl_3. Thank you, the main problem was the : g.region vect=your_vector_point.
    – mthpvg
    Commented Sep 13, 2013 at 7:35

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