I've been working with ESRI's javascript API for about a week and finding that somethings click while other things are still a mystery to me. I've already created a simple web map that loads an editable feature service from my local installation of ArcGIS Server. Using the Editor module I've successfully created an interface that lets a user click on a point to see the popup with editable attributes, and new points can be created or deleted. Editing, moving, and deleting the points all show up back in my feature service MXD, so that's great. What I want to know how to do is have the API automatically write the X,Y/Lat/Long/coordinates of a point to the attribute table of my feature service. So for example when the Editor template is used to add a new point to the web map, have the script write the location of the point to the table. If the point is moved, update the table to reflect that new location. I've played with the map.on("mouse-move", showCoordinatesFunction) so that I can see the current position of my mouse cursor, but I need help getting that written to the table. Thanks for any help you can offer! I'll post the script I'm working with below.
<script src="http://js.arcgis.com/3.7/"></script>
var map;
], function(
Map, Graphic, Editor,
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, FeatureLayer,
Popup, PopupTemplate, GeometryService,
parser, arrayUtils, dom, arcgisUtils, domUtils,
domStyle, domClass, registry, domConstruct
) {
esriConfig.defaults.geometryService = new GeometryService("http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/Geometry/GeometryServer");
map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "satellite",
center: [-112.06498, 33.509384],
zoom: 17,
map.on("layers-add-result", initEditor);
map.on("layers-add-result", showCoordinates);
var myTestPointFL = new FeatureLayer("http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/Layers/KP_TestEditing/FeatureServer/0", {
mode: esri.layers.FeatureLayer.MODE_ONDEMAND,
outFields: ["*"],
// infoTemplate: popupTemplate
// map.infoWindow.resize(400, 300);
function initEditor(evt) {
var layers = arrayUtils.map(evt.layers, function(result) {
return { featureLayer: result.layer };
var mylayerInfos = [{
'featureLayer': myTestPointFL,
'showAttachments': false,
'isEditable': true,
'fieldInfos': [
{'fieldName': 'PIN', 'visible': true, 'label':'PIN: '},
{'fieldName': "APN", 'visible':true, 'label':"APN: "},
{'fieldName': "CITY", 'visible':true, 'label':"City: "},
{'fieldName': "ZIP", 'visible':true, 'label':"Zip: "},
{'fieldName': "QS", 'visible':true, 'label':"QS: "},
{'fieldName': "LAT", 'visible':true, 'label':"LAT: "},
{'fieldName': "LONG_", 'visible':true, 'label':"LONG: "},
{'fieldName': "X", 'visible':true, 'label':"X: "},
{'fieldName': "Y", 'visible':true, 'label':"Y: "},
map.on("mouse-move", showCoordinates);
map.on("mouse-drag", showCoordinates);
var settings = {
map: map,
layerInfos: mylayerInfos,
var params = {
settings: settings
var editorWidget = new Editor(params, 'editorDiv');
function showCoordinates(evt) {
var mp = esri.geometry.webMercatorToGeographic(evt.mapPoint);
dojo.byId("info").innerHTML = mp.x.toFixed(6) + ", " + mp.y.toFixed(6);
Update: User Jaq posted the pre-AMD style code that was exactly what I needed to set me on the right path. I'm going to include the updated code that I adapted for my script.
myFeatureLayer.on("before-apply-edits", function(evt) {
var toUpdate = evt.updates;
dojo.forEach(toUpdate, function(update) {
update.attributes.LAT = update.geometry.getLatitude();
update.attributes.LONG_ = update.geometry.getLongitude();