Is there a more efficient way to sample from a sub-region (defined by a shapefile read into a spatial object) of multiple rasters without having to use extract()
for each region on every raster?
Data: I have a large study area represented by approximately 50 raster layers, one per variable (e.g. elevation, slope, vegetation, etc...) my study area is divided into 10 sub-region
Methods: I need to draw random samples (using sampleRandom()
or sample()
depending on object) from each region of each raster; therefore approximately 500 samples.
Issue: I can do this relatively easy by using the extract()
function for small datasets, but it will take forever with these data sets. I am hoping there is a way to sample from within the area of the sub-regions without having to use extract()
Below is code (some borrowed from J. Evans) that shows the basics of what I am doing.
This works fine for small raster data sets, but trying to use extract()
on large raster data sets fails.
r1 <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10, xmn=0, ymn =0, xmx=100, ymx=100)
r1[] <- runif(ncell(r1),0,100)
r2 <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10, xmn=0, ymn =0, xmx=100, ymx=100)
r2[] <- runif(ncell(r1),100,200)
r3 <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10, xmn=0, ymn =0, xmx=100, ymx=100)
r3[] <- runif(ncell(r1),200,300)
region1 <- rbind(c(0,0), c(50,0), c(50,50), c(0,50), c(0,0))
region2 <- rbind(c(50,0), c(100,0), c(100,50), c(50,50), c(50,0))
region3 <- rbind(c(0,50), c(50,50), c(50,100), c(0,100), c(0,50))
region4 <- rbind(c(50,50), c(100,50), c(100,100), c(50,100), c(50,50))
polys <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(region1)), "region1"),Polygons(list(Polygon(region2)), "region2"), Polygons(list(Polygon(region3)), "region3"), Polygons(list(Polygon(region4)), "region4")))
plot(polys, add=TRUE)
r_stack <- stack(r1, r2, r3)
names(r_stack) <- c("r1", "r2", "r3")
for(i in 1:length(polys)){
region <- polys[i]
for(k in 1:length(names(r_stack))){
raster_region <- extract(r_stack[[k]], region)
sample_values <- sample(unlist(raster_region), 10)
### add samples to some matrix...
### Do analysis on values...