I am new to GIS(Arcpy)/Python programming , but I have experience in other languages. I have a question regarding the possibility to create a tool/script that does the following
-- Check a specific attribute field and see if there are any Duplicates (Our problem is that our DOC_ID field is supposed to be a unique value but some interns are accidently pasting/writing the same DOC_ID from a previous edit and saving it.
*The checking for duplicates is not that important as I have create a seconday field to check the data within the DOC_ID field to find duplicates*
-- Is it possible for the tool / script to be continuous. What i mean for this is that if a user accidently inputs a DOC_ID that is already within the list ... some kind of error or warning message would pop up saying that the "DOC_ID has already been used".
^(This is the main feature that I am trying to create or solve.)
If this is not possible, are there any other paths that I should consider. (Validation Rules , etcetc)
This is not a big problem currently. There are only around 100-200 duplicate entries so far. We are trying to avoid the problem the best we can early once we start to implement more and more entries.