I have a grid of depth points in the Irish Sea that i'm trying to add other data fields to, in this case distance from shore. I've tried both of these suggestions to no avail, but am having some success with this one. My problem is that the resulting raster resulting raster has distances as decimal degrees rather than metres.

I've changed my project properties > canvas units to metres, re-done the rasterise, re-done the proximity, but it's still decimal degrees. Any ideas how I can get the results in metres?

  • 1
    are the canvas and vector layer set to a projected CRS? the proximity process might select it's units based on the coordinate system being used, rather than what is displayed
    – TDavis
    Commented Feb 11, 2014 at 21:06
  • Both are WGS84, but it seems I can change the project properties to metres but often it seems to have changed back to degrees...
    – dez93_2000
    Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 3:00
  • 1
    you could try running it with data projected to UTM or another appropriate projected grid and see if it works better that way. I have had a number of tools have a similar issue in ArcGIS in the past
    – TDavis
    Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 16:14
  • hmm... trying with project as WGS84 pseudo-mercator as project CRS and vector layer's CRS, but resulting raster comes out as WGS84 (which I can obviously change) and 1 unit per pixel comes out as 1 degree rather than 1 metre. Do you think that should have potentially worked, or is WGS84-P.M. technically distinct from UTM? Thanks for your help.
    – dez93_2000
    Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 16:51
  • 1
    I don't know the details of PM, but if it didn't work, test out a different one UTM (Zone 30 I think), or the british national grid, If that doesn't work, hopefully one of the qgis guru's on here can make a suggestion
    – TDavis
    Commented Feb 12, 2014 at 17:53

1 Answer 1


Underdark's answer here did the job: save the coastline polygon as British National Grid (Mercator gave this error), then convert that to raster (again, select BNG as the CRS), then do the proximity tool. Cheers @TDavis for getting me started on the right path!

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