I'm having trouble getting a PostGIS raster to load and display in MapServer. I'm not sure, but suspect it's a version problem. My mapfile layer and the error message are shown below.
NAME bio12_2_5m
TYPE raster
DATA "PG:host=localhost port=31600 dbname='wdata' user='postgres' password='*****' schema='worldclim' table='bio12_2_5m'"
msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'bio12_2_5m'.
msDrawRasterLayerLow(): Unable to access file. Corrupt, empty or missing file 'PG:host=localhost port=31600 dbname='wdata' user='postgres' password='**' schema='worldclim' table='bio12_2_5m'' for layer 'bio12_2_5m'. Sorry, but table bio12_2_5m doesn't seem to have regular blocking arrangement. Only tables with regular blocking arrangement can be read from now
This is WorldClim data loaded into PostGIS with raster2pgsql like:
raster2pgsql -s 4326 bio12.bil worldclim.bio12_2_5m > bio12.sql
To get around what seems like a blocking problem I've also tried:
raster2pgsql -s 4326 -C -r bio12.bil worldclim.test > test.sql
raster2pgsql -s 4326 -t 10x10 bio12.bil worldclim.test2 > test2.sql
And with the MapServer layer I've tried setting mode=1 or mode=2, still no success.
Versions ... Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, PostgreSQL 9.1.11, GDAL 1.10.0, PostGIS 2.0.4 with raster support, and MapServer 6.0.1. But (always a but) to be fair I started with GDAL 1.7.3 via the default ubuntu repository, and at the end updated GDAL to 1.10.0 via the Ubuntu GIS "unstable" repository since it seems like the newer versions of GDAL are required to address/support the blocking items.
Thanks, very close I suspect and not sure if installing everything from scratch would help starting with the 1.10.0 GDAL. Also tried building GDAL from source and no success there.