I'm trying to get the cursor to iterate through rows and fields looking for blank or null values and change them to 999999
but it's not changing anything.
fc = "C:\Users\\bbrock\Documents\ArcGIS\Ports.shp"
# Create a search cursor
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)
# Create a list of string fields
fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc, "", "String")
for row in rows:
for field in fields:
if field.type != "Geometry":
if row.getValue(field.name) == '':
row.setValue(field.name, '999999')
print "%s: Value = %s" % (field.name, row.getValue(field.name))
if row.isNull(field.name):
row.setValue(field.name, '999999')
print "%s: Value = %s" % (field.name, row.getValue(field.name))