I have created a line geometry from a pgr_dijkstra querry and I am getting an unexpected looking line in qgis. The following image illustrates the problem:
The magenta line is the line created from mapping the route from my table where I have created a line geometry using the following code:
update analysis.routing
routeline = (select st_makeline(pgr.geom) ,
from (select * from pgr_dijkstra('ways',61789,64493)) as pgr)
The dotted red line is the line created in qgis from calling the same select statement in the DB manager and adding the results to canvas:
select * from pgr_dijkstra('ways',61798,64493)
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to fix this problem with ST_MakeLine. That is what appears to be the problem. It looks like ST_MakeLine is connecting additional points which is adding the additional lines above that are not part of the pgr network. Thanks for your help.