I'm trying to insert a new line in a big table with the following SQL using PostgreSQL 9.3 and PostGis 2.1.3:
cnig, geom_surf,
etat, codcom)
VALUES ('H_11_4_6',
ST_Difference((SELECT "GEOM_1".geom_surf FROM "Edigeo"."GEOM" AS "GEOM_1" WHERE "GEOM_1".codcom = '73101' AND "GEOM_1".cnig = 'H_1_6_0' LIMIT 1),(SELECT ST_Union("GEOM_2".geom_surf) FROM "Edigeo"."GEOM" AS "GEOM_2" WHERE "GEOM_2".codcom = '73101' AND "GEOM_2".cnig IN ('H_11_4_0','D_1_0_8') AND ST_IsValid("GEOM_2".geom_surf) = True)),
my text field are filled without problem but i have an issue to fill the geometry column (geom_surf) with the ST_Difference statement... It remains empty in the table after the execution.
If i do the same in a select statement, the geometry seems ok.
SELECT ST_Difference((SELECT "GEOM_1".geom_surf FROM "Edigeo"."GEOM" AS "GEOM_1" WHERE "GEOM_1".codcom = '73101' AND "GEOM_1".cnig = 'H_1_6_0' LIMIT 1),(SELECT ST_Union("GEOM_2".geom_surf) FROM "Edigeo"."GEOM" AS "GEOM_2" WHERE "GEOM_2".codcom = '73101' AND "GEOM_2".cnig IN ('H_11_4_0','D_1_0_8') AND ST_IsValid("GEOM_2".geom_surf) = True))
So it looks nice.
But in my table after the insert:
Is there an issue with my geometry? or something else? I don't understand why it's not working...