I am a newbie in spatial database, so I am having lots of issues even in small tasks and now I am having some issue with inserting data to the table. I have followed the postgis documentation but however, I'm getting some error while inserting data to the table. In the code below, I am trying to insert an array of co-ordinates which are in long/lat format by converting them into points and adding to the table.
INSERT INTO route(ID, ROUTE_NAME, geom) VALUES (1, 'route 1', ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(ST_MakePoint(27.69858, 85.28154), ST_MakePoint(27.69804, 85.28155), ST_MakePoint(27.69337, 85.28174), ST_MakePoint(27.69356, 85.28275), ST_MakePoint(27.69378, 85.28370), ST_MakePoint(27.69409, 85.28449))',900913));
Table create structure: CREATE TABLE ROUTE( ID int4, ROUTE_NAME varchar(25), geom geometry(LINESTRING,900913) );
But, I am getting "LINESTRING(ST" <-- parse error at position 13 within geometry error.