I have a field in my table called 'geometry' that was created thus:
CREATE TABLE "public"."sites" (
"id" int8 DEFAULT nextval('sites_id_seq' :: regclass) NOT NULL,
#... A few MORE fields
"geometry" "public"."geometry",
CONSTRAINT "sites_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
CREATE INDEX "index_sites_on_geometry" ON "public"."sites" USING gist (geometry);
I can create a point with the command:
UPDATE sites
SET geometry = ST_SetSRID (
ST_MakePoint (44.28, - 96.68, 495),
ID = 12;
I would like to create a bounding box, but being new to the syntax have not been able to get the correct syntax.
My best attempt:
UPDATE sites
SET geometry = ST_SetSRID (
ST_3DMakeBox (
ST_MakePoint (44.2, - 96.6, 400),
ST_MakePoint (44.3, - 97.0, 400)
ID = 1123;
Gives the error:
Column has Z dimension but geometry does not
I get this error even after trying
- wrapping the
in a select statement as some online examples show (though the select statement returns a 2D result) - using
as suggested by @mattmakesmaps
My apologies that I am new to this. I have been looking through the documentation and googling postgis insert bouding box
etc, but at my level, this isn't clear.