I connect Geowebcache to a remote WMS service through their Getcapability request by adding the url in geowebcache-servlet.xml document. Geowebcache demo page displays the list of wms layers from the remote wms server. When I click on the png link for the EPSG:900913 format , to display the map, only displays the image place holders instead of map tiles. This displays map for the png link for EPSG:4326 formaT. When I issue a Getmap request to the remote wms service directly from my browser, for EPSG:4326 works well but for EPSG:900913 it shows error “SRS Code 'EPSG:900913' is not supported (not found in SRS xml settings)”. When I check their Getcapability document I could not find EPSG:900913 in the SRS list, but EPSG:4326 is available. Since I want display the map in google map api v2 , think i need EPSG900913 format to get this work. I think geowebcache generate an automatic re-projection in EPSG:900913 format for googlemap api. This link is not working for me, I think that could be the reason this is not displying in google map api. could someone tell me a solution for this ? why the reprojection not working ?
Here is the link for EPSG:4326 format , this will start disply at a scale 1:272K range 10th zoom
This is the link for EPSG:900913 format which is not working for me.
This is the link for the Geowebcache demo page
I think there is a way to define independent layers and projections in geowebcache.xml document. Not sure how to do this to suit for my situation ?