I have a python script that creates a temporary feature class, creates a feature layer from the temporary feature class, uses the feature layer, then deletes the feature layer and the feature class. When I try to publish the python script as a Geoprocessing service I get an ERROR saying that my project contains a broken project data source on my temporary feature layer. So far my work around is to leave the temporary feature class in my workspace. Is there a way to delete it before the process completes? Here is the code snippet that generates the error:
acadian_holder_fpath = "\\\\my_server\\GIS\Geodatabases\\Acadian_Holder.gdb\\Acadian_Holder_Dataset\\Acadian_Holder"
xxcrown_fpath = "\\\\my_server\\GIS\\Geodatabases\\Temp_WorkSpace.gdb\\xxholder_src"
arcpy.analysis.Select(acadian_holder_fpath,xxcrown_fpath,"LOC in ('BB','BC','BM','IQ','JC','JN','JS','JW','PH','QB','RB','RG','RS','SQ','SV','UG')")
dnr_regions_fpath = "\\\\my_server\\GIS\\Geodatabases\\Acadian.gdb\\dnr_regions"
xxregions_fpath = "\\\\my_server\\GIS\\Geodatabases\\Temp_Workspace.gdb\\xxregions_src"
at_road_network_fpath = "\\\\my_server\\GIS\\Geodatabases\\connection_to_my_sde.SDE\\AT_Road_Network"
# Use select by location instead of intersect so we get the entire road if it exits crown land.
at_road_network_flayer = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(at_road_network_fpath,"at_road_network_flayer")
xxregions_flayer = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(xxregions_fpath,"xxregions_flayer")
# Select YTD roads
where_clause = "Region = 1 or Region = 3 or Region = 4"
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute(xxregions_flayer, "NEW_SELECTION", where_clause)
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByLocation(at_road_network_flayer, "INTERSECT", xxregions_flayer)
# Do stuff with at_road_network_flayer
# Delete the temporary feature class
del xxregions_flayer