Linked Questions

10 votes
2 answers

Split a large GeoTIFF into smaller regions with Python and GDAL [duplicate]

I have quite a large GeoTIFF-file (compressed 50MB but unpacked 6GB) and want to split it into several smaller regional files. I am using Python, and as I am a new GDAL user I do not really have an ...
Nico505's user avatar
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How Do I Split a Raster into parts using GDAL? [duplicate]

I have a large Raster with High resolution DEM of a large area, and I need to split it into smaller squares of 500mx500m, so that I can run other raster functions on it. Basically I'm looking for the ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Python/GDAL--Handling Big Rasters and avoid MemoryErrors?

I am using python 2.7.10. I am trying to read a big Raster with gdal and numpy array. But it show In MemoreErrors when i use this: band. ReadAsArray() Note: this error occurs when input raster is ...
Shiuli Pervin's user avatar
3 votes
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Error in raster Analysis in QGIS

I'm trying to conduct raster analysis in QGIS on a digital elevation model with a grid resolution of 5 cm. The disk size for the data set is 151 MB. When using default GDAL raster calculator it throws ...
Tab_surv's user avatar
2 votes
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Get GDAL up and running with ArcSDE enabled

I want to migrate rasters from ArcSDE 9.2 to Postgresql. I have access to a ArcSDE server with several large raster datasets (mosaics) in ArcSDE 9.2. I can use ArcCatalog, ArcMap and ArcToolbox to ...
jgrocha's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to cut a raster into smaller, equal area parts?

I have a large raster file that I need to cut into smaller parts. I already have a polygon shapefile that has the smaller parts that I want to use as an index. The reason for this is that end users ...
Gin's user avatar
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How to handle large raster datasets in GeoServer?

A 16gb large tiff should be processed with the Geoserver. What are the possibilities? What has already been done: 1) The following tutorial was used:How to serve very large raster datasets The ...
eftas's user avatar
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Subdividing large files due to gdalwarp - too big image size

I can't figure out how to warp a large file (2GB+) with no specified to CRS, to a specified CRS - I keep getting a "Too big image size" error. For context, I want to take large NITF files, warp them ...
Catsbergers's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can I create tiled Qgis2threejs 3D model

Is able to create 3D model with Qgis2threejs and tiled it for better loading over net? For example 3D model will be tiled for 100 m X 100 m
Wenceslauw's user avatar
0 votes
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GDAL retile "Error 4" only in certain working directories

I'm attempting to retile a large Tif files to sizes that can be used for training data in a Neural Network. I have GDAL installed and the (opens as txt file if I type ...
svollowork's user avatar
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Converting vector to raster on-the-fly using GRASS?

EDIT: I later realized that, instead of creating multiple 256 x 256 tiles, I could just create a single image to overlay on the entire map. However, I'd still like to know if there are better ways to ...
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