Linked Questions

57 votes
5 answers

Which character encoding is used by the DBF file in shapefiles?

Which character-encoding is used by the dbf-file in shapefiles? It seems it is handled different, based on the program and the local encoding-settings of the machine. Which encoding is 'right' - ...
Mnementh's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Change Shapefile data source encoding?

I tried to change the only the shapefile datasource encoding through properties and also How to encode shapefiles from LATIN1 to UTF-8? but it doesn't change it. Without saving the QGIS project can'...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Creating shapefile with UTF-8 encoded attributes with ogr2ogr

I'm using GDAL/OGR's ogr2ogr command line tool to export data from a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database to various GIS file formats, Shapefile amongst them. To create a shapefile with the default ...
das-g's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Converting shapefile from Shift_JIS to UTF-8 when the usual methods fail

Long story short, I'm trying to import this ESRI shapefile of Japan into CartoDB. (Sorry, no direct link: to download, click on the orange ファイルのダウンロード button, check 同意する to agree to the T&C, then ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

ogr2ogr encoding on Windows using os4geo shell with Census data

I'm trying to load Census county level TIGER/line spatial layers into PostGIS using ogr2ogr in Windows. Is there anyway to configure the encoding to LATIN1? example: ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"...
Jess's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to check the encoding in the .dbf files?

I am having difficulties when I try to load a shapefile into my database, the is because I do not know the encoding of the dbf portion of the shapefile. The attribute tables are in Spanish, I have ...
Progs's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Set encoding when using ogr2ogr to export from Oracle db to MapInfo table?

I am trying to automate the export of spatial data from a oracle database to mapinfo .tab files. Using this thread I made my script. However I can't see how to set the encoding right. My data have ...
HC Haase's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Converting encoding using ogr2ogr on macOS

I'm trying to convert my shapefiles from ISO-8859-10, also known as latin6 using ogr2ogr on my Mac like this (learned from here): export SHAPE_ENCODING="latin6" ogr2ogr file_utf8.shp file.shp -lco ...
oskarlin's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Viewing French characters in QGIS Attribute table

I have a shapefile 'output' with encoding windows-1252 IANA encoding. The attributes of a column contain some French characters, which appear as ?. Even I tried changing the encoding of QGIS itself to ...
User123's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Error accents and special characters

I am a master's student in Ecology and Environment in Portugal. It's been a few months since I had my first contact with QGIS. When using a shapefile, in the attribute table, I select by expression, ...
Sandy Morgado's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Using linguistic phonetic alphabet in QGIS?

I want to know if there is a way to use the International Phonetic Alphabet in QGIS? I am working with a group of linguistics that want to map dialectic varibility in a language (Nahuatl) and I am ...
Gerardo Jimenez's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is “Clip vector by extent” converting my vector to ISO-8859 encoding?

I’m using the extents of one vector to clip another, using GDAL Vector processing “Clip vector by extent” function. Both vectors are encoded as UTF-8. So why the resulting vector is encoded as ISO-...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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