Linked Questions

2 votes
1 answer

Creating DEM from topography map in QGIS [duplicate]

For my geology diploma project I need to create DEM from topography map my professor gave me to use as a base map. The map is georeferenced. My idea was to draw lines over the izolines of the map, ...
user66618's user avatar
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Finding slope of polyline in QGIS? [duplicate]

I am using QGIS 2.2 Valmiera to try to find the average slope of a water course. I've drawn in the water course as a polyline over a large number of contour lines (the water course is long with a very ...
Andrew Earl's user avatar
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Trying to Create an Aspect Map in QGIS [duplicate]

I'm trying to create an Aspect Map similar to this one: I have two files to work with from the start; the ...
H. Rigsby's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Generating DEM from contour Shapefile using QGIS?

I want to create a DEM from depth contours (shapefile) in QGIS. I've been trying to work out how to do this based on this previous question, notably from this link from that page, however I'm stuck, ...
dez93_2000's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Creating DEM from contours using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a large set of contours that I received broken down into several different subsets. I have merged most of the subsets together creating a larger set of contours in three different files. I have ...
Kathryn's user avatar
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5 votes
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"Topo to Raster" tool for QGIS?

is there any analogue of the ArcGIS "topo to raster" tool in QGIS? I need to creates surfaces from shp for some cases from points and for some from lines and this instrument is very convenient.
laechoppe's user avatar
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Adding elevation data to my layer in QGIS

I have a layer showing elevation curves and I'm trying to create an elevation profile using the Terrain Profile plugin. However, I only get a flat line. I guess that I need to add Z values to the ...
angelsen's user avatar
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Project points to a vector layer and get z elevation at QGIS

I have one point file and one dtm vector file (with elevation contours as well as point elevation information). How can I project points to the vector file and get z elevation of them?
user28075's user avatar
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XYZ bathymetry to Raster?

I have some XYZ bathymetry data in an irregular, non north-up pattern -- i.e. not gridded. It is saved as a CSV file. 443564.526,6636541.778,-105.47 443564.526,6636538.778,-105.44 443567.526,6636544....
Will Hutchins's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating one DEM from multiple ASC files

I am struggling with this several days and now its time to ask how to do it in QGIS. I have very detailed 27 ASC grid files with overall size of 9 GB created from 1m contours of large area (600 m2). ...
sys49152's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

A library/software to create DEM from a topographic map

In one of my projects I need to digitize video clips showing some natural landscape. Specifically I need to know distances between different areas and elevation levels. I have a topographic map of ...
Flot2011's user avatar
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2 votes
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Baffling Elevation Profile out of Profile Tool Plugin

When using the Profile Tool plugin I get a graph that looks like the 2nd derivative of what I want. That is, it looks like the rate of change of the slope of the elevation profile. I just want the ...
erkq's user avatar
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1 vote
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Using contours to create polygons around hills in R [closed]

I have a shapefile with contours for a Brazilian state. The contours give me the elevation across that particular state. My goal is to use the contours to identify hills. Ultimately, I would like to ...
Miranda's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to digitize a feature to include elevation data and interpolate slope in QGIS

I would like to take this archaeological drawing and use QGIS to create a something similar to a DEM or TIN, so that depth/elevation values can be quickly and clearly understood. I do not know what ...
Corey's user avatar
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1 vote
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Making DEM from contours without elevation data?

I got a shapefile with contours, but no elevation data is present. We can assume as known info, that the contours mark elevations at known steps (say, 20 m). Is it still possible to restore the ...
astrsk's user avatar
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