Linked Questions

13 votes
1 answer

How to add feature class to MXD with ArcPy (Python)? [duplicate]

I am using ArcGIS 10.1 and I am trying to add a feature class that I create to an MXD, so that I can join to it. This all needs to be done using Python. Is this possible?
ianbroad's user avatar
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6 votes
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Programmatically adding shapefile to data frame in ArcMap? [duplicate]

I have a toolbox with python script which creates a shapefile from JSON txt file, but it does not show the generated shapefile in arcmap, i have to add it from the output location. What code shall I ...
mridul's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add shapefile as layer to map using Python and ArcPy? [duplicate]

I am working on an application and I am a beginner in Python :( I want to add a shapefile, the execution is successful and everything but no result appears on ArcMap, here is the code I use: import ...
user24541's user avatar
2 votes
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Adding feature class into ArcGIS 10.3 mxd using python script [duplicate]

I am trying this simple task to add a feature class to an mxd (ArcGIS 10.3) but getting few errors. Here are two options I tried. 1) Preferred option - adding feature class itself into a active ...
Dnstuladhar's user avatar
0 votes
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Adding feature class to TOC using ArcPy? [duplicate]

This question has been asked multiple times with proper answers: How to add feature class to MXD with ArcPy (Python)? Adding shapefile or feature class as layer in ArcGIS Desktop using Python/ArcPy? ...
Sebastian's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Programmatically adding .shp file to .mxd file [duplicate]

I have spent hours attempting to find the solution to the following problem online, but all answers I have found are quite old, and none work. Here is the situation: I have a variety of .shp files. I ...
gisuser's user avatar
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Adding geoprocessing results as layer to dataframe using ArcPy? [duplicate]

I am still new to ArcPy. I'm running a really simple script, it selects a feature from a dataset (one town out of many), saves the data, and adds it to the (empty) dataframe. map = mapping....
user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Creating shapefile from lat/long values using ArcPy? [closed]

How can I create a shapefile using Python in ArcGIS 10? I have lat & long. From this I need Python code which will create a shapefile in ArcGIS Desktop 10.
Mehul's user avatar
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3 votes
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Using python to publish feature services to arcgis online WITHOUT Arcgis Server

My small non-profit currently uploads feature services manually by zipping shapefiles and "overwriting" them. I'm trying to automate this process in Python and have only come across ago ...
SteeleJohnson's user avatar
0 votes
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Iterating folder of shapefiles using ArcPy and exporting mxd to PDF

I'm new to Python and just created a hard coded script for the process I want, and it works. Right now it calls on the one of three shapefile I have in this map document. I want it to do the same ...
Kelsey Ciarrocca's user avatar
0 votes
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Adding Shapefile to Multiple Data Frames using ArcPy?

I'm trying to simply add a shapefile to 2 data frames of a Map Document, the shapefile is already in a third dataframe of the same Map Document. I was using the guide below but am getting the ...
CV26's user avatar
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0 votes
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Add multiple GDB files in subdirectories to mxd using python

I have GDB files located in many sub-Folders and sub-sub-Folders. All Sub Folders are located in one large directory i asked it for layer file in Add multiple Layer files in subdirectories to mxd ...
newGIS's user avatar
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opening many nested shapefiles

I have a large number of shapefiles (>500) representing species' ranges for North America. I am wondering how I could open them all automatically, without having to open them one at a time in ArcGIS? ...
macdonaw's user avatar
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