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Questions tagged [arcgis-engine]

ArcGIS Engine is for embedding GIS data, maps and geoprocessing into desktop and mobile applications.

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Get all features in extent not working correctly in PageLayoutControl

I want to get all features in the current extent of my PageLayoutControl's ActiveView. I got it working for a MapControl as described here. With my PageLayoutControl it seems that I don't get the ...
gumo's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Performance of ArcGIS Engine using multiple file geodatabases as opposed to one?

I'm trying to decide the best way to organize my data for an ArcGIS Engine application. I am particularly interested in map display and query speed. Currently I have all of my data separated into ...
Tanner's user avatar
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Table not found ConvertFeatureClass how to project?

I get a Table [Streets] not found when I try to convert a shapefile to a geodatabase. I'm thinking I'll try setting the spatial reference like in this post,
patrick's user avatar
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FeatureClassNameClass.Open() Error, any ideas?

This code works fine on my Windows 7 64 bit machine, but fails on the target machine, Windows Server Standard SP2 64 bit. public List<string> GetShapeFileFieldNames(string shapeFileDirectory, ...
patrick's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to create a Balloon Callout with a leader?

Is it possible to create a Balloon Callout with a leader? I am using the following code: public void DrawText( IActiveView view, BalloonParms balloonParms ) { ITextElement textElement = new ...
Chaz's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

(Professional) Label Positioning?

I've implemented labelling in my code and solved a fair amount of problems that seemed insurmountable at first. Now that the labelling is working I have directed my attention to the positioning of the ...
Chaz's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

E_FAIL when calling ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.IImageServer.Initialize()?

I am using ArcGIS Engine and Developer Kit 10 on Windows 7. Specifically, I'm writing an ArcObjects console program using Visual C# Express 2008. I am attempting connect to an image server via a URL (...
May Oakes's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Labeling Selected Features Only using ArcGIS Engine?

I've been labeling using the LabelEngine and simple expressions and it is working for every layer. I want to offer the option of labeling only selected features and thought it would be this simple: ...
Chaz's user avatar
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5 votes
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Using Merge GeoProcess task in ArcGIS Engine with C#?

Having the hardest time getting the correct syntax when adding layers as gp parameters to call the Merge_management GeoProcessing Task. Below is just one of MANY, MANY ways I have tried with no luck. ...
user3013's user avatar
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How to merge multiple shapefile via ArcEngine 9.3 Java?

I try to merge the some shapefiles into one by using ArcEngine java platform. But it seem like that parameters of my merge class is wrong ,i google it a long time and got nothing. Pls figure my ...
Vent Lam's user avatar
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Enabling MapTips in ArcGIS Engine using ArcObjects?

My organization is working on a new version of our software using ArcGIS Engine 10. Previous versions of the software (running on ArcGIS Engine 9.3) displayed MapTips fine as long as they were enabled ...
Tanner's user avatar
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How to wrap ArcEngine Sketch Control?

I've created a small API to wrap ArcEngine controls so I can customize them (my own toolbars, my icons, etc) and I'm having problem with the ControlsEditingSketchToolClass control. I basically have a ...
George Silva's user avatar
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(arcengine) export selected features from sde to shapefile (with joined fields)

I have a SDE featureclass that is joined to an access table in my map control. I want to export selected features of the SDE layer to a shapefile AND retain the joined fields. this following method ...
Derek's user avatar
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Merge column data with a IFeatureClass

I have a points shapefile with City, State, Zip columns. I want to merge the column data together into a new column containing: City-State-Zip (with the hyphen). Can I merge column data like this ...
patrick's user avatar
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Set Numeric Format for Class Breaks Labels?

Why doesn't this code change the numeric format of the labels generated when I build this renderer? When I execute the set_Break() this nnumeric format is correctly set in the renderer but I still get ...
Chaz's user avatar
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2 votes
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Save a MapControl map to an MXD

I used to know how to do this, but I must have lost the code. I tried this: IMxdContents mxdcontents = mapControl.Map as IMxdContents; IMapDocument doc = new MapDocumentClass(); doc.ReplaceContents(...
patrick's user avatar
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Making Labels Scale Correctly

I asked a question before about whether it was possible to scale labels and I was correctly pointed to the IAnnotateLayerTransformationProperties.ReferenceScale property. What would like to know now ...
Chaz's user avatar
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How do I use DynamicCacheLayerManager in ArcEngine to connect to a previously created cache

I am trying to load a cacheDataset that was created using the MapCookerClass as shown in the Multithreaded MapCruncher example at the URL below. In arcMap it is possible to connect/add this cache ...
user3013's user avatar
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How can I interact with ArcObjects from a windows service?

How can I interact with ArcObjects from a windows service? It appears that I can't work with an AxMapControl object from a console or service, because it complains about the activeX state. How does ...
patrick's user avatar
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Remove Layer Labels

public void LabelOff( IActiveView view, IGeoFeatureLayer geoFeatureLayer ) { IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection annotationProperties = geoFeatureLayer.AnnotationProperties; ...
Chaz's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Which data format typically displays fastest in ArcMap?

My organization is working on an application running on ArcGIS Engine. Previous versions of the application used primarily Shapefiles for displaying roads, parcels, buildings, etc. Since I was ...
Tanner's user avatar
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Print axMapControl contents with preview [closed]

I have a map with many feature layers on top of it. I would like to be able to print the map and feature layers either scaling it to fit a certain page size or printing it to actual scale thus ...
masimplo's user avatar
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1 answer

Select Feature shows outline not filled

public static void SelectBy(this IActiveView view, ILayer2 targetLayer, string filterClause, esriSelectionResultEnum selectionResult ) { IFeatureSelection featureSelection = targetLayer as ...
Chaz's user avatar
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4 votes
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Find Selected Element

Using the esriControls.ControlsSelectTool I select a text element that I have previously placed on the map. In code, how can I find this element on the map? I know I can iterate using the ...
Chaz's user avatar
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Adding barriers to a Network Analyst layer programmatically

Right now, I have code that allows the user to indicate on a map, which contains a Network Dataset layer, stops that are needed to create a route. I need to add functionality to the interface that ...
Renee Cammarere's user avatar
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Setting the Color of a TextSymbol

public void DrawText( IActiveView view, string text, string fontName, int fontColor, float fontSize, IPoint point ) { ITextSymbol textSymbol = new TextSymbol(); stdole.IFontDisp font ...
Chaz's user avatar
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Need to programmatically create Barriers in my Network Dataset [closed]

I have the following C# code to create a Network Dataset layer that I can bring into ArcMap. However, even though I am able to create a Route from the ND, I am not able to create Barriers of any kind ...
Renee Cammarere's user avatar
2 votes
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Self-Sizing Labels [closed]

I have labels now in my application that work fine using the usual ILabelEngineLayerProperties2. When I set them up I set the .Expression property and using the .Symbol property I set the font, ...
Chaz's user avatar
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Bringing Feature Selection To Top using ArcObjects?

I'm using IFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures() to select parcel polygons in my parcel layer. It works fine until I create a ClassBreaksRenderer to apply a color ramp based on a field in the feature. ...
Chaz's user avatar
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What does SetHistogramData do? [closed]

I run the following code: IClassify classify = new NaturalBreaksClass(); ITableHistogram tableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass(); IBasicHistogram basicHistogram = tableHistogram as ...
Chaz's user avatar
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6 votes
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Automated geodatabase replication with offline editors

I would like to design an application that would use an SDE database with simple features and a geometric network. That geodatabase would then be replicated out to any number of personal geodatabases ...
eptiliom's user avatar
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UniqueValueRenderer and ClassBreaksRenderer configuration

So I can create one of these renderers based on parameters I let the user set. Some parameter combinations either create invalid conditions or no conditions at all - missing data, too many breaks or ...
Chaz's user avatar
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IUniqueValueRenderer on Polyline and Points made my Features all invisible

I am currently using IUnique value renderer like this: foreach (string nodeType in nodes) yield return new KeyValuePair<string, ISymbol>(nodeType, CreateNewSymbol() ); public static ...
Kev84's user avatar
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Clearing map cache - ArcGIS Engine

Is there a programmatic way to clear the cache of a map in ArcGIS Engine 10.0? It is apparent that there is some caching scheme operating under the covers, and I'd like to clear all of its cached ...
tbridge's user avatar
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Annotation and Renderer Interaction

I have code that creates either a UniqueValueRenderer or a ClassBreaksRenderer and applies it. I also have code that uses AnnotateLayerProperties to set labels. When I create a renderer and then an ...
Chaz's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Closing MeasureTool Window

I'm activating the built in ArcGIS measure tool using the following code: ControlsMapMeasureTool measureTool = new ControlsMapMeasureToolClass(); measureTool.OnCreate(_axMapControl.Object); // set ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Named ITable removal

I am dynamically creating a join between a GeoFeatureLayer and an external ITable derived from a SQL query and opened with OpenQueryClass(). It works. Now if I could only delete the Join!? But even ...
Chaz's user avatar
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Using IRelQueryTable

I create a RelQueryTable like this to join a GeoFeatureLayer to an external table. Everything seems to work (no errors, I can look in the table and see the correct fields.) Silly question: what do I ...
Chaz's user avatar
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Compound Key to Relationship

If tableField = "Process ID" and layerField = "PID" then this works: IRelationshipClass relationshipClass = memoryRelationshipFactory.Open( "Join", table as IObjectClass, tableField, ...
Chaz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get all features in current extent

I like to add text information to each feature in the shown map extent in my MapControl/PageLayoutControl. Adding the text is not a problem, but I couldn't find a way on how to get the features. Is ...
gumo's user avatar
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Display map scale (like 1:20.000) next to ScaleBar

In my PageLayoutControl I add a ScaleBar. Additionaly I like to show the map scale/ratio (e.g. "1:20.000") next to it, but didn't find a way to achieve this with the ScaleBar. Am I missing something ...
gumo's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Understanding and using user provided file structure [closed]

I have at my disposal a folder with data provided to me by a person that knows nothing about GIS. I have the impression that its file structure was generated by some esri desktop product. I have only ...
Exile79's user avatar
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List layers in directory .Net ArcObjects or plain .Net -- C# preferably

Any code samples to list arcgis layer files from a directory so they can be looped over?
Justin's user avatar
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Link non-spatial SQL Server query to a Geodatabase?

Is it possible to build an object (of whatever kind) in ArcEngine code that links the geodatabase data with a non-spatial SQL Server query? How would you go about doing this?
Chaz's user avatar
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How to Insert Feature into Feature Class (in Memory) ESRI

I'm looking for suggestions on how to insert a new feature instance into a feature class that is in memory -- assuming that I don't have access to the feature workspace. For example, the feature class ...
Keith G's user avatar
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QueryClass samples

Anyone have sample code on the actual use of a QueryClass. I can read the help and figure out how to make one but there is no code demonstrating the usage of a QueryClass.
Chaz's user avatar
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How can I control what is passed to the OnCreate() method when a command or tool is initialized? [closed]

In an ArcEngine application can I control what is passed to the OnCreate() method when a command or tool is initialized? (I am using a synchronization object because I have both a map and a ...
Chaz's user avatar
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Draw text in PageLayoutControl in OnAfterDraw?

I have a PagyLayoutControl in a print preview dialog. It shows the same extent and layers as the master MapControl. Both controls are not syncronised, because changes made in the PageLayoutControl ...
gumo's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server: "MapServer is not supported with the current license."

I am at a complete loss... I have a Server 10.0 license on my machine but the following code fails: if (ESRI.ArcGIS.RuntimeManager.Bind(ESRI.ArcGIS.ProductCode.Server) == false) throw new ...
tbridge's user avatar
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Automated correction of parcel geometry based on area measure?

i have a set of parcels in DWG file and i have the areas that should be in these parcels in an excel file, so i have to modify each parcel to match the area specified in the excel file with a moving ...
geogeek's user avatar
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