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Questions tagged [bangladesh]

for questions related to Bangladesh (BGD) a country of Southern Asia

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-1 votes
2 answers

Seeking shapefile / boundary coordinates for Bangladesh divisions

Are there any shapefiles on the boundary coordinates for each of the Bangladesh administration divisions? Essentially what I want to achieve is to have the minimum and maximum of the longitudes & ...
1 vote
2 answers

Transformation parameters for Everest_Bangladesh and Nepal_Nagarkot to WGS84

What are the parameters for transformation of Everest_Bangladesh and Nepal_Nagarkot Geographical Coordinate System datums to WGS84 datum?
0 votes
1 answer

Seeking outline/boundary (shapefile) of Ganges river basin? [closed]

I'm looking for an outline/boundary (shapefile) of the Ganges river basin. Where can I find this?
1 vote
1 answer

Which Projection system to use for area calculation in Bangladesh (in South Asia)?

I am vectorizing a raster layer using ArcScan. I need to calculate the area of the vectorized feature after the vectorization process. What projection should I use for the vectorized polygon layer ...