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How to query a specific race/age profile from Census data?

I want to count Asian males, 15-30 years old by Census Tract. I can get the data sorted, but I don't know how to make a Boolean type of query (i.e., race is Asian AND sex is male AND age is 15-30). I ...
Davey's user avatar
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Customer prospecting for United States within specific drive time using ArcMap and Business Analyst

I have a set of demographic variables that I want to use to identify areas within United States that meet this criteria. I have used the customer prospecting tool in Business Analyst but the issue ...
Guest's user avatar
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Unemployment analysis [closed]

I have been tasked to make a map or some sort of analysis that analyzes the spatial relationship of a certain ethnic that has high unemployment to areas that have potential employment opportunities. ...
joshua.hoffmann's user avatar
4 votes
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Seeking alternatives to Business Analyst, AnySite/MapInfo, and Sites To Do Business? [closed]

This is a very general question and I hope it is ok. I've been "Googling" and can't find much. I work at a shop that currently uses MapInfo + AnySite to do real estate site analysis. I generate ...
Ross Wardrup's user avatar