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Calculating M-values in specific coordinate system ArcGIS Pro

I have an issue with calculating M-values in ArcGIS Pro: I need to calculate them in a specific coordinate system. For example, the M-coordinate of a first vertex is set to 0; next should be 0 + the ...
Vera K's user avatar
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Getting Error from ModelBuilder (calculate values)

I want to remove the last 7 character from parsepath (%Value%) what is wrong with this code?
Arda's user avatar
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Toggle Model Builder paths on and off using Boolean - ArcMap 10.5

I have a program that uses an iterate over a multivariable to run checks for different values, but it would be really nice to just be able to toggle the values on and off depending on what you are ...
Sam R's user avatar
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Picking highest value between two options in field calculation using ArcMap

Is there a way to choose the highest value between two options when using them in a calculation? The highest value alternates between x and y This project is in ArcMap.
Alexander Adiyasa's user avatar
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Calculate the value of two different fields (int), and summarize those two into a new field in attribute table [closed]

I am trying to make a pie chart, that means I have to connect some fields in AT. How do I sum two integer fields into a new created field. The sum should also be connected to the different object id. ...
Neptar's user avatar
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Using IF-THEN-ELSE with ModelBuilder of ArcMap

I have two optional parameters in my ArcMap model (City and date) and I want to use the tool calculate a value to create an expression that will give me a boolean (true-false). I want the code to ...
Anne L.'s user avatar
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Help with "Calculate Values" Python expression (ModelBuilder)

I have a model and need to compute a new value from two other values upstream, and then feed the new value to the Kernel Density tool. Here is the formula I am trying to reproduce in the "Calculate ...
cms's user avatar
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Code to return false if two preconditions are false in Modelbuilder

I'm trying to use Calculate Value in Modelbuilder's Arcmap to run a process if one of two booleans preconditions is true. So if both of precondintion are false the process shouldn't run, otherwise it ...
Felipe Gonçalves's user avatar
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Calculating field while dissolving in ArcMap

I have two polygon Layers, A and B correspondingly. The polygons of B are lying on top of layer A and also overlapping the polygons of A (I made an example of the attribute table for better ...
Skane's user avatar
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Adding time to variable using Python Parser of ArcGIS Calculate Value tool?

I am using Python 2.7 in calculate value in ModelBuilder. I want to query both 30 seconds before and after the variable. The original value keeps returning not the time change. What am I not defining? ...
Damned_Novice's user avatar
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Add and Calculate Fields of Iterated Annotation Classes

I'm have difficulty with my script Arcmap v10.5.1. I get a syntax error on line 8. My question is: Can I calculate the Added field from an existing field within an iterated value? If so, what's my ...
Chris Swanson's user avatar
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Converting string to float in Calculate Value for ModelBuilder?

In ArcMap 10.2 I have created a nested model where I am iterating through some feature classes in order to get the minimum value of a specific field for each of them and then collect the outputs using ...
Serena's user avatar
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How to determine the average NDVI value of a selected area?

I'm new to ArcMap 10.2 and trying to get NDVI data of city centers. So my problem is, after I'm calculating the NDVI and getting the result raster, I would like to get a mean (average) value of ...
ErenKvnc's user avatar
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Zonal Statistics As Table with Very Small Polygon

I was given one single band NDVI raster and a shapefile with multiple very small polygons. The raster has a resolution of 3m. On the other hand, the small polygons on the shapefile are square shaped ...
Sourav's user avatar
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Calculating percentage of area from polygons inside one polygon in ArcMap?

I need to calculate percentage of different areas contained in one Cadastral parcel. Every parcel (polygon) is overlapped with one or more polygons. I need to find percentage of every overlapping ...
vldmrnnc's user avatar
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