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Importing domains to ArcSDE?

Is there a way to import a geodatabase into a sde on the server and keep the sde domains, while adding the new geodatabse domains?
user92389's user avatar
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Add a specific Domain to Multiple Feature CLasses at once (batch)

I have a domain named "Life Cycle" with coded- "active" or "inactive". I need to apply this domain to over 150+ Feature Classes (in a SDE if that matters) via ArcCatalog. I know how to do this ...
NULL.Dude's user avatar
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Cannot add domain to field [closed]

So I created my domain with coded values for my file geodatabase. I go to the feature class properties, fields tab, I create a new field, verify the data type of the field and domain matches and add ...
Salman's user avatar
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Adding a text input field as coded value in domain?

I want to see this in my final table -- I click on a box in a field and i get a list of text values in the dropdown box but the last value should be 'other'. By selecting this 'other' I should be able ...
Salman's user avatar
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Using File Geodatabase coded domain with ArcGIS Online?

I created a File GDB and set up a domain, and the domain was assigned to a field in a feature class. The domain behaves as expected on ArcGIS Desktop (dropdown list when editing the content of that ...
xyk's user avatar
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Dealing With ArcPad and Geodatabase Domains [closed]

I created a polygon feature class through a file geodatabase. In the geodatabase i created domains and gave them drop downs. When i go to create a feature class in editor in ArcGIS, in the attribute i ...
user35131's user avatar
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Batch Assign Coded Domain Values with Multiple SubTypes?

I have a File GeoDatabase (v10.0) with multiple layers. Each layer has a range of Subtypes (1 to 20+). I have created coded domain values that I would like to assign to their appropriate field. I ...
Ryan Garnett's user avatar
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Symbology for Unique Values with Domain

I'm wondering if there is a workaround to this. I want to symbolize a feature class categorically by unique values. The field that I'm doing this on has about 5 unique values. I also have a coded ...
TSJ's user avatar
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Using the Field Calculator in a Domain field

I have a coded domain field with 10 dropdown options. Possible choices include integers and text. I need to change a selection of 250 features (which have differing values) to the same value. This ...
Thad's user avatar
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ArcSDE : Cascading Subtypes in ArcGIS 10/SQL Server

I'm currently creating an ArcSDE DB on an SQL Server. It is designed to complete species survey, with information from the field. In order to help themselves, they asked me to implement a particular ...
MerlinLelutin's user avatar
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Using arcpy.Exists for domains?

A script I made creates domains within a selected geodatabase. I need it to not create the domains if they already exist because if they do, it gives an error saying invalid domain name. What's the ...
ianbroad's user avatar
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ArcGIS Server security and Windows domains - issues for non-IE browsers

I'm looking for some advice / experience in ArcGIS Server security with a Windows domain. Normally in this situation I would do some prototyping but I don't have access to a domain. I'm planning to ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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