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Fetching data from ArcGIS attribute tables using ArcPy? [closed]

I want to fetch/extract data from ArcGIS attribute tables (to set some temporal series) using Python. Because of the structure of my tables and their disposition, I thought of using the "division" ...
Nour's user avatar
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ArcPy rollback update / insert cursors if error occurs

Is it possible to rollback an update made with an update cursor or an insert made with an insert cursor if an error occurs? I need to go through a feature class and break numbers up into 100 groups. ...
sushi's user avatar
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4 answers

Retrieve last Row and specific field values with SearchCursor

I have a shapefile from which I want to retrieve the last row values for specific fields to use them as input in a tool. So far this is what I have which does not work. length=int(arcpy....
Crystal_01's user avatar
-2 votes
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Calculating total numbers of wells that fall into each county of table using ArcPy?

Directions: For each county calculate the total numbers of wells that fall into that county, and update the county table with the total count. This is the code I have so far. Problems: The ...
Amanda Young's user avatar
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Sum Values for multiple unique field values

I am trying to modify an existing table that I can relate to a feature in Arcmap(v10.5). Currently, the table fields and values look like this: I would like to summarize the table. For each unique "...
Chris Swanson's user avatar
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2 answers

Delete Table Rows Based On Two Field Values

How can I delete a row in a table if value A from Field 1 does not match value B from Field 4 ? I attempted to use code from a previous post as I figured it would be a start but didn't work. ...
huskersila's user avatar
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Arcpy.da.SearchCursor() help when attribute doesn't exist

I'm updating text elements off of an arcpy.da.SearchCursor script and needed to construct the script to return a response for when the attribute does NOT exist. Here is the snippet of the code THAT ...
Layne LeBleu's user avatar
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Finding field with maximum value and field name using ArcPy cursor?

I was wondering if an equivalent of summary statistics exists for finding such statistics across fields rather than records in a table. For example, of several fields, I wanted to find which one has ...
Mhoram's user avatar
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Calculating summary statistics and access resulting value in table using ArcPy?

With arcpy, I want to calculate the mean value of a specific field in a shapefile and print the resulting value for the user. I use the Summary Statistics tool and it works, but the resulting value ...
the_chimp's user avatar
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2 answers

Error adding row - sequence size must match size of row

I have this table with one row timestamp_pretty 3.1.2014 9:13 timestamp 1,38874E+12 msgid 3 targetType A mmsi 205533000 lat 53.4346 long ...
Manuel Frias's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the most efficient way to get the values of a previous row in a table using ArcPy? [duplicate]

I am very new to ArcGis and I would like to get a specific value of the previous row in a table. I found this question here on and experimented a little bit. However, I found ...
elegent's user avatar
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Arcpy to append results of pivot table

I have a script that does some processing but the main part are two things run a multiple ring buffer using arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis and four rings do some zonal statistics using
user918967's user avatar
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3 answers

Returning unique value from table using ArcPy?

Using Arcpy in Python, I would like to return / print '0.15' from the following table: When I use the following code I get "(u'D', 0.20)" as my print statement in Python: import arcpy fc = "C:/...
Jelle's user avatar
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1 answer

table update w/ cursor geometry conflict

I'm creating a table using arcpy with a list of results (stored in 2d lists) following an update to some features. This can sometimes include geometry, so I've attempted to substitute those for a ...
Sleep6's user avatar
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Invalid SQL Error when using InsertCursor on table created using CreateTable

I am trying to write a list of items to a new table in Arc. When I attempt to add a new row to an Arc table, I get the following error: Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File "<...
DonnRK's user avatar
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Help with Python Update Cursor syntax

I'm having trouble running a loop to update the values in a particular field in attribute table by reading from a csv file. Any input is greatly appreciated. The following is the sample code: import ...
hydi's user avatar
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