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Seeking detailed Cyprus borders shapefile

I need to to show the Republic of Cyprus, the TRNC, the Buffer Zone and the British Bases. I've looked everywhere and every time it only shows the Republic, which makes sense as it is the UN ...
TasosZ's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Seeking vector file of extent of flood plain of 2010 Pakistan Floods?

I am looking to locate a shapefile or any vector file that can be used for analysis I am conducting of change in size of cropland in the Punjab region of Pakistan. The file of interest would reflect ...
Andrew Iwashko's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Seeking data source for worldwide urban/statistical areas as polygons? [closed]

I am looking for a shapefile (or any format really) that has worldwide coverage of major urban areas / statistical areas as polygons with names. Similar to what the US census Bureau' Core Based ...
Lake's user avatar
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4 votes
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Getting 8 digit watersheds for USA

Is there an alternative source for 8-digit (vector shapefiles) US watersheds? The USDA link is down and they are not responsive to my query for getting the data:
user1186's user avatar
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Latest shapefiles of Indian states [duplicate]

I need shapefiles of Indian states that of 2011 which has almost 671 districts of India. Can anyone please help me?
Aneesh kumar R's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why don't shapefiles online contain the coastline (country borders)?

I have searched everywhere and Geofabric has the best packages of shps yet doesn't have the coastline of countries. I'm talking about the line that demarcates a country i suppose they are called ...
Jack.Usa's user avatar