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Why does ST_DelaunayTriangles return an empty GeometryCollection?

I'm currently struggling to calculate the area of a slightly non-planar surface in PostGIS. The area is a wall surface from a LOD2 data source. Here's an example: SELECT ST_AsText(ST_DelaunayTriangles(...
Chris's user avatar
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Apollonius Graphs (Delaunay Graphs of Disks) in sfcgal or PostGIS?

I was wondering if there is support for Delaunay Graphs of Disks (a.k.a. Apollonius Graphs) in PostGIS/sfcgal? A CGAL function seems to exist for this. But I can't seem to find it in the PostGIS ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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St_delaunaytriangles polygon with holes

I'm using PostGIS to decompose a polygon with a few holes into triangles via st_delaunaytriangles. Unfortunately, it does not return the right result with holes, because the triangles being outputted ...
DaynaJuliana's user avatar
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Query Z at intersecting point locations from a MultiPolygonZ?

I create a MultiPolygonZ geometry with ST_DelaunayTriangles(). select st_setsrid( ST_CollectionExtract( ST_DelaunayTriangles( ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT ...
Dennis Bauszus's user avatar
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Constrained Delaunay Triangulations in PostGIS?

It is possible to make Constrained Delaunay triangulations in PostGIS (PostgreSQL)? I have a Polygon and I need to make internal triangulation like this: I tried to use ST_DelaunayTriangles but is ...
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