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How to edit two field have the same domain at the same time in ArcGIS?

I have two layers (Parcel and Building ) with fields that have the same domain, for example ; layer (Parcel) has fields with names ("Building status", "Land Use") with domains (...
sameh mahmoud's user avatar
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Using field calculator to change domain type

I have a table with a bunch of domains, and a table with the information needed to populate the domains. I joined the two, but the table of information is populated as text. I need to be able to ...
Swagoner's user avatar
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field calculator python script with coded values

I am trying to run a field calculator python script that will take a value from one field in the attributes table and create an abbreviation in another field that was designated for it. Here is a ...
Davor Romic's user avatar
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field map string values in one field to domain field

Is there a method in ArcGIS 10.3.1 to calculate coded value domains in a domain field based on a string field source? Please see image. The solution appears to be to use the CalculateField GP in ...
r2dave2's user avatar
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Understanding if-else statements in ArcGIS field calculator when coded value domain used?

I am attempting to set a newly created field based on the strings in another field 'TNMFRC'. I am pretty sure that I have the code write, and yet everything is set to a value of '6'. Here's my code: ...
traggatmot's user avatar
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