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Questions tagged [esri-geometry-api-java]

This tag is for questions related to the Esri Geometry API for Java available on GitHub

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Determining search radius for proximity search in ArcGIS API for Java?

I am using Java's Esri-geometry-api, to find out given a point A the 50s nearest points within a radius of distance from the point A: MultiPoint g = new MultiPoint() GeometryEngine.getNearestVertices(...
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Points contained in envelopes that cross date-line - java

I'm using the ESRI Geometry Java API I want to construct an envelope and see if it contains certain points. It's possible the envelope crosses the ...
Luke's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Where is the open Java client for ArcGIS Server?

Short of hacking the Android SDK into your Java project, are there any Java clients that can consume and work with ArcGIS Server services? e.g. create Feature Sets, Geometries, perform Queries/...
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