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Select all fields from table and use with arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management()?

I would like to use arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management() function without having to specify all fields in the table. Is there a keyword used to select all field in a table? I tried "*" or "ALL" but ...
Kuromax's user avatar
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Dissolving while retaining field informations in the same entry instead of multiple entries

I have 1520 covenants. Many covenants have more than 1 VM symbols attached to it, currently showing as rows. EG. Covenant #97 has 4 VM Symbols, with the VM Symbols 1, 67, 117 and 171. How do I change ...
SMAPS's user avatar
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Using field mappings to remove fields from merged table using ArcMap

I'm trying to combine a (large) number of tables into a merged table, keeping only certain fields. I've tried the below, but it still gives all the fields. Any ideas? listEventTables = arcpy....
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