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Field values don't show up in the symbology while they are visible in attribute table

I am trying to colour different categories within a shapefile in different styles to differentiate them - these categories are visible when looking in the shapefile's attribute table, but then don't ...
rk4478's user avatar
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Graduated symbology

I have opened a delimited text file with coordinates XY defined in two columns on the file plus two other columns with data and they are represented in QGIS as a point layer. I want to symbolize the ...
DobleG_95's user avatar
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Why are there multiple symbol icons for the same feature type for raster field in ArcGIS?

Using ArcGIS 10.7 desktop. I manually entered general landuse types for a field I created. For some reason only some of the feature types are consolidating in the symbology while others are creating ...
kent 's user avatar
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