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4 answers

Matching backslash with regex in QGIS Field Calculator

I'm attempting to remove a part of string in an attribute column of a shapefile. The part in question is Snapshots\\ from Snapshots\390_measure_1.jpeg. So I want the output to be 390_measure_1.jpeg. ...
enor's user avatar
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4 answers

Removing unwanted data in the cell of the QGIS Attribute table

How can I remove remove data after any special character in the cell using QGIS? E.g.: Valli Amman Mandir, Chettiyakotai I want only Valli Amman Mandir in the cell. The rest should be removed.
Bruno B's user avatar
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2 answers

Inserting space between address and cardinal direction in QGIS

I have a shapefile, which is a parcel map. Its table of contents has a column containing the addresses of several buildings. Some of the addresses hold directional information (i.e. n, s, w, e). The ...
Kaveh Ekbia's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Splitting string with house number in QGIS Field Calculator

I have a string field with housenumber which contains values like: housenumber 5 12 a 15 b 18 c What are the right expressions for the field calculator to write only the number in "field1&...
Enzo Baldini's user avatar
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5 answers

Extracting digits from string in QGIS

I have a string field that I want to extract only the digits example: 1,500 m2 -> 1500 I've tried with regexp_substr("location", '(\\d*)') to remove all after the blank space, but I need ...
Juan Millan's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

How to easily edit attribute data using Regular Expressions?

I am writing a tutorial for MSc students that uses QGIS. One of the tasks requires the attribute data to be modified (see pdf draft of tutorial here if interested ). The question is how to get them ...
RobinLovelace's user avatar