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enlarge bounding box from a smaller one in GDAL

I have a small raster tiff and I want copy its data in a new raster with a bigger bbox. So is it possible, via a GDAL command, to enlarge a bounding box maintaining same pixel locations from the ...
Marco Ciaramella's user avatar
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Georeferencing PNG image by GDAL in QGIS

I am not familiar with GDAL so far. Thereby I don't know how to start. By knowing the problem from the question below: Georeferencing PNG image in QGIS when the coordinates of image corners are known ...
Geographos's user avatar
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Installing rasterio and Fiona together?

I work on Windows; I use Christoph Gohlke wheels; Python 3.7 After installing GDAL-3.0.1 and Fiona-1.8.6 an error occurs on import of fiona from fiona.ogrext import Iterator, ItemsIterator, ...
Alexander Vocaet's user avatar
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Georeference Sentinel-3 Data with irregular grid

I need to georeference and subset a lot of Sentinel-3-Syn-2-Files. Every data product provides seperate NetCDF-Files for each band and the actual (irregular) coordinate grid called 'geolocation'. So ...
Corbjn's user avatar
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Cut a hole into a geotiff

I have two hillshading geotifs that I created using gdaldem hillshade. One covers a huge area with an OK resolution and the other has a much higher resolution for a smaller part within the huge area. ...
Georg's user avatar
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Trouble installing GDAL in R for MODIS package

I'm having trouble installing GDAL in R with the MODIS package. Every time run MODIS I get this error: GDAL : Not available. Use 'MODIS:::checkTools('GDAL')' for more information! I have tried ...
user93706's user avatar
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How to find patches with data in Raster and then how to extract those patches?

I have a single band raster file as drawn in the labeled image attached. The size of raster is around 4k pixel in each x and y axis. Large part of this raster is empty. Only in small portions of the ...
Stupid420's user avatar
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Does Gohlke GDAL break Command-Line GDAL/OGR in Windoiws?

I recently gave up trying to get the gisinternals versions of GDAL's Python bindings to work, and sought instead to use the 'gohlke' approach - getting the appropriate wheel from the UCI repository. ...
GT.'s user avatar
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GDAL Delete geopackage layer

This seems like it ought to be straightforward: from osgeo import gdal gpkg = gdal.OpenEx('path_to_gpk',gdal.OF_VERBOSE_ERROR,allowed_drivers=['GPKG']) error = gpkg.DeleteLayer(0) After running this ...
Stev_k's user avatar
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Receiving GDAL Clipper Error from QGIS? [duplicate]

I realise there has been quite a lot of discussion on this topic and have already read through the suggestions on this forum of how to rectify this problem, but still nothing has worked. I am ...
Simon 's user avatar
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tif tfw to GeoTiff [duplicate]

How do I combine a .tif file with a .tfw file to create a GeoTiff? There are many answers telling me to use gdal, but I have no clue. So can someone provide a step by step example of how to do this ...
interactivemaps's user avatar
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Getting the intersection of two raster files using Pandas Python

I am trying to get the intersection (the overlap part) of two rasters but the thing is that by comparing them in a dataframe, I cannot find common points. I check on QGIS and there are common areas. ...
TheGame's user avatar
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Move vector layer based on YX (Meters)

I need to move a vector layer XY (Meters) how can I do that used the gdal? I found something for rasters, but I want something for a Vector layer from osgeo import gdal.
Endi Soares's user avatar

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