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Adding support to Esri's FileGDB driver when fiona/gdal/osgeo were installed through Anaconda

Is there a way to tweak the fiona/gdal/osgeo packages installed through Anaconda so that they can be used to read/write GDB files using the ESRI FileGDB driver? The main thing I'm actually trying to ...
Felipe D.'s user avatar
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OGR failing to unpack polygons and respective holes from shapefile

I'm trying to unpack shapefiles in Python (v3.7.4) using the GDAL-OGR library (v2.3.3). Each shapefile has only one feature containing multiple polygons with holes. They cannot be produced differently....
Thaine Herman Assumpção's user avatar
8 votes
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GDAL contour line generation at DEM edges

In a Python application I use gdal.ContourGenerate() to generate contour lines (GDAL version 1.11.4 and 2.2.1) from DTED tiles. DTED tiles overlap at the top and the right with neighboring tiles. ...
Detlev's user avatar
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Fuller/Dymaxion in proj4/gdal/qgis?

I know this question has been asked a million times already, but I can't find many detailed responses on exactly what I want to do. As far as I can tell, the full C code for the fuller projection is ...
Alex McVittie's user avatar
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GDAL RasterIO performance in C++ vs ReadAsArray in python/numpy

I'm currently writing optimisations for a raster viewer program which uses gdal as it's base. It's currently written purely in python, and has some major speed issues which cause problems when we are ...
gjones's user avatar
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Finding geodesically flat regions in DEM data

I'm interested to find regions in some DEM data for Earth that are what I call geodesically flat, i.e. flat in the way that the path light travels is flat in the absence of strong gravitational fields....
Sean's user avatar
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R sf package - link to GDAL

Is it possible to ask R {sf} package to use a GDAL installation I prefer? So far I found how to check external software it uses: library(sf) sf_extSoftVersion() # GEOS GDAL ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
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How do I get the maximum value of raster cells ignoring nodata with gdal_calc?

I have two integer rasters, A and B, with the same dimensions and cell sizes. I want to compare each cell in A with each cell in B and keep the maximum value. In cases where both have nodata, I want ...
spencerrecneps's user avatar
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What is the fastest version of gdal2tiles?

I have multi-CPU linux server, so I wonder what is the fastest parallel version of ? My Ubuntu version: lsb_release -a Description: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS How I install the package: ...
mrgloom's user avatar
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Different results from GDAL raster attribute table command on mac and windows

I am trying to get the raster attribute table of the following file: Shift_cult_past_current_prediction_20160107_gr1DD.tif available here:
user1186's user avatar
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Gdal and module import error when creating an .exe application with pyinstaller

I’ve been struggling since three days in a row to create a windows executable application from my python application. I have managed to get results but I’m not at all satisfied with the workarounds I ...
vivek bouderlique's user avatar
7 votes
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Uploading raster format (*.tif) to PostGIS through raster2pgsql

I'm new to PostGIS and raster file format. I'm currently working on NetCDF files and I want to import them into PostGIS through curl command line tool but its failed for me. So I jumped on to GDAL v1....
AshokDev's user avatar
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Installing GDAL with MrSID fails on Ubuntu

I'm trying to install GDAL from source on Ubuntu or CentoOS both, but it fails both times. I also tried GDAL 3.0 which did the same thing. Is there any way easily get GDAL working with MrSID? I can ...
Caleb Pitman's user avatar
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Exporting QGIS Atlas using PyQGIS (qgis.core)

Windows 10, PyCharm, QGIS 3.10 installed via osgeo4w (64bit). I set up a simple QGIS composer layout with a vector layer and a WMS base map on the map layout. The vector layer contains about 10 ...
Theo F's user avatar
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Telling how to interpret colors / what does the `DN` field mean

I have lots of raster files I am converting to polys with All these images have a consistent palette which I'd like to map to an attribute in the resulting polygons. On most ...
narrowtux's user avatar
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How to fix rasterio error: The EPSG code is unknown. Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv

I try to open a jp2 image with the Python's Rasterio package. The code is below. The problem is that the coordinate reference system is not recognised and when I want to see the meta attribute of the ...
ABC's user avatar
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Finding Raster Pixel Neighbors using GDAL?

I'm new to GDAL Python, and I'm working on a little recursive algorithm which requires finding the neighbors of a a pixel on a DEM raster. I've been able to do this by creating a little PixelLite ...
LIAM M's user avatar
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Adjusting georeferencing of GeoTIFF?

I have three thermal IR images of a boat acquired by a drone as it flew overhead. The images were taken at one second intervals, are GeoTIFF files and overlap one another. I don't know exactly how the ...
Tomasso's user avatar
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When should I use

When building a single georeferenced image from a collection of tiles, gdalbuildvrt followed by gdal_translate is much faster than In my own measurements of \ --...
das-g's user avatar
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Disable readdir on open in gdal_translate when using /vsicurl/

I'm using /vsicurl/ file handler to read Landsat 8 data out of S3. Following GDAL documentation "to minimize the total number of HTTP requests outside of the target GeoTIFF file" I set ...
dr_times's user avatar
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netCDF has wrong spatial extent in metadata

I have a netCDF file with spatial data ranging from x:528500 573500 y:350500 399500 on EPSG: 31287. If I open and explore the file with Panoply and show the data on a map all works like it should. ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Gdal Python problem: black strips in image translation

I have a 500 x 500 m resolution world map of clumping index data (He et al., 2012) and I am trying to do two things at the same time: 1) to isolate the variables per plant functional type following ...
Renato's user avatar
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How to use GDAL Correlator?

I need to align several images using FOSS. There is Correlator tool in GDAL (source) that seems to be suitable for the job. But I was unable to find documentation for it or a tutorial. Can someone ...
SS_Rebelious's user avatar
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How to set Vertical Coordinate system when creating a 3D shapefile?

I'm working with GDAL v1.11 and am seeing the vertical CS stripped when exporting a 3D shapefile (from oracle spatial). This is the command I'm running: ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" B_POINT.shp (...
Russell's user avatar
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ogr2ogr errors: PROJ: proj_create no database context specified, cannot prase CRS, proj.db lacks database.layout.version.major/minor metadata etc

I have a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database that I have been working on and it's generated in a docker container. I access it via PGAdmin to the docker DB or sometimes I create a backup and restore locally ...
William Chow's user avatar
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Reproject WGS84 raster file to topocentric LTP-ENU using GDAL with a custom proj string

I have some raster files which are given in WGS84. As an example, here are some gdalinfo for one of those: Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: dem_r.tif Size is 2000, 911 Coordinate System is: GEOGCRS["...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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ogr2ogr creates too many columns with LEFT JOIN

I am creating a GeoPackage using several shapefiles using ogr2ogr (GDAL 2.2.4): ogr2ogr -f GPKG /path/to/out.gpkg -append -nln out -a_srs EPSG:4326 /path/to/in1.shp ogr2ogr -f GPKG /path/to/out.gpkg -...
vdavid's user avatar
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Object of Wrong GDALDatasetShadow Error

I am trying to crop the TIF images based on the shape file. After searching the web, I found the following code and manipulated it. from osgeo import gdal import os input_path = '/.../pics' ...
Rohullah Najibi's user avatar
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Optimizing pixel extraction from GeoTiff using Python

I am creating IDF Curves for work using python and 30-minute rainfall rate rasters. There are 24 rasters per day and about two decades worth of data. I basically input lat/lon coordinates and my ...
JWB's user avatar
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Resample a raster to the grid of another unaligned raster using GDAL/pktools

Is there a way to resample a raster to the grid of another raster using Bash utilities (GDAL or pktools), if both of the rasters do not necessarily have their origins aligned (and without an ...
GreatEmerald's user avatar
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"Clip Raster by Mask Layer" produces zero values (and not Nodata) outside mask boundaries

This is my first question here. I have a big raster of the world's nighttime lights and want to clip it down to the Adm0 of a country: In order to do so, in QGIS 2.18 what I do is using the Clipper ...
EnricoVac's user avatar
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Merging many rasters with Python script within QGIS using GDAL?

I have many rasters that im trying to combine in order to produce contours. They are in the .bil format so I understand that i need to translate them using gdal first but none of my attempts have ...
Jesse Warren's user avatar
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Run GDAL on android and perform operations

Could one run gdal on android devices to perform some GIS operation, like viewshed, contours, etc?
user9322960's user avatar
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How to install filegdb driver with GDAL in linux?

I have been working on GDAL with windows platform but now I require to shift to linux. I have installed GDAL using apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev pip3 install GDAL Now i require support for ...
Shashank Vashistha's user avatar
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gdal_translate slightly changes output pixel values

I have used this batch script for /r %%g in (*.jp2) do gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS %%g %%~dpng.tif to recursively convert all my .jp2 files in .tif files. However, the ...
davor korman's user avatar
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How to perform spatial join and obtain attribute in python/GDAL?

I am working on a script that will take an unprojected raster, and using a UTM grid (shapefile), will obtain the correct SRS (I have a shapefile where each zone is attributed with its numerical SRS) ...
auslander's user avatar
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Install OSGeo module in virtualenv

How can you install the osgeo module in a virtualenv? I downloaded QGIS using KyngChaos ( following
William L's user avatar
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460 views crashes python for some .tif images

I just upgraded to GDAL 2.2.0 and now I'm having issues with my python kernel crashing when I run gdal.Open() on certain files that it used to work on when I had GDAL 2.1.2. It seems to only be ...
Snow's user avatar
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Performing histogram streching using gdal_translate?

I have some rasters I want to perform histogram stretching on, and I want to use only open source tools, preferably using shell/bash command line. I was thinking of using gdal_translate with setting -...
J.Coo's user avatar
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Pansharpen Landsat 7 RGB using

Is it possible to pansharpen Landsat 7 RGB band combination (without NIR) to have approximately the same intensities as the original RGB image with (weighted Brovey algorithm)? What ...
dr_times's user avatar
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Can gdal be used to generate a single patch of the HEALPix projection?

Given a geo-referenced map of the world, I am able to produce a version with a HEALPix projection using gdalwarp like this: gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=healpix +a=1 +ellps=WGS84 +wktext' -te -3.14159265 -...
Simme's user avatar
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Determining resolution of specific image in PDF document

Can GDAL be used to determine the resolution of an image embedded inside a PDF? If not GDAL, is there another method? I'm using gdal_translate to convert TIF+TFW files into geospatial PDF. I know ...
krock's user avatar
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How to create tiles from c# code

I need to create tiles directly from c# code. The input file is in *.tif format. Is there a way to do this simply? I tried GDAL, but I found it complicated, I don't understand how to cut tiff into ...
Konstantyn Alexandrov's user avatar
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how to set the geotransform using GDAL in python

I am trying to create an image from a numpy array and georefenrece it so that I can import it into qgis. I have the latitude and longitude in degrees for the top left corner of the array as well as ...
Scott's user avatar
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840 views leaving gaps in mosaic

I'm trying to create a seamless mosaic from the FAA's VFR aeronautical charts using The end goal is to serve the mosaic using the ImagePyramid extension in GeoServer. However, I'm ...
Lukas S.'s user avatar
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How to avoid "Unable to compute a transformation between pixel/line"?

I am trying to re-project from Equi-rectangular to the NASA global EASE grid (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid 1383 586 with a ~25 km cylindrical projection (ESPG=3410). The file is provided as HDF5. ...
usersam's user avatar
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How to set GDAL/cs2cs/proj to use NTv2 grid shift file when using EPSG codes?

I am using the GDAL API for Python for a script that takes only EPSG codes for inputs to specify source and target coordinate systems. While the cs2cs command seems to handle quite well ...
user1639843's user avatar
4 votes
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gdalwarp sum resampling algorithm double counting at some specific resolutions

GDALWarp utility is double-counting my pixels in the sum algorithm for resampling in some cases. I don't believe it's something I'm obviously doing wrong. I have a file, at 30 arcsecond resolution for ...
William Abma's user avatar
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Using an input string in a file path for a input vector layer in QGIS model

I am building a QGIS model to perform field calculations on a large number of .shp files containing environmental information of different waterbodies. This model should be global for the different ...
Leesbiology's user avatar
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How to specify GDAL driver to use for Processing INPUT?

How can I specify a specific driver to be used by GDAL/OGR when running a tool via Processing? GDAL/OGR calls them prefixes to the connection string, e.g.
bugmenot123's user avatar
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