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2 answers

Accessing a OGC WMS server and publishing it to ArcGIS FlexViewer

I am trying to publish an OGC WMS service to my Flex Viewer. Within the configuration files amongst a few other layers I have the following: <layer label="EARSS National Outage Map" type="...
user3303542's user avatar
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WMS projection doesn't match basemap

I have a flex viewer 3.0 map in wgs 84 (4326) (ESRI basemap) with a wms which is 4326 as well. for some reason the wms doesn't overlay correctly. it is way off. appears on the maps but it is flattened ...
user4388's user avatar
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Adding WMS and WFS layers from GEOSERVER in arcgis viewer for flex 3.0

I am interested in adding feature layers from geoserver in arcgis viewer for flex config file and consequently display them on the web map.IS that possible? If yes, could someone share how they did ...
Simon's user avatar
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Using WMS in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex?

These days i am trying to develop web map using FOSS software. I have a WMS in GeoServer but it does not view in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex. Can you give me XML code for it? This is my WMS. http://...
sacprasanna's user avatar