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5 answers

Georeferencing CAD files in ArcMap?

I've definitely got at least a couple of grey hairs while trying to convert some dwg. files to shapefiles. I've seen that this subject has been disscused a lot, but hope someone will have the ...
Ligia's user avatar
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Georeferencing CAD drawing against point data and/or raster image?

I am working on a project to identify households within certain buffer areas of a proposed water pipeline. I have raster imagery of the area of interest, point data for the households, and a CAD ...
Marnie's user avatar
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Georeferencing CAD drawings without preserving aspect ratio

I have a CAD drawing (DWG) format that I would like to georeference to my basemaps that are projected in UTM coordinates. This drawing is done to scale without any geographic referencing. In ArcGIS ...
Michael Markieta's user avatar
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Georeferencing a CAD file and converting to SHP in ArcGIS without distance distortion

i have a land parcels dwg file in an unknown co-ordinate system and i want to georeference the file in ArcMAp and convert it to shapefile but the problem is that whenever i georef the cad drawings ...
Rehan's user avatar
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Georeferencing DWG files on imagery which is hard to see through (e.g. trees)?

Here I have a few campgrouds that I have for are in DWG files that I am going to georeference them. I have no problem with that however; some of these campgrounds I need to georeference on the imagery ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Exporting .shp to a georeferenced .dwg

I'm trying to export a shapefile to a dwg-file to use it in AutoCAD. When I export the shapefile using the "Export to CAD" tool, the dwg-file that's being created is not georeferenced (but I need it ...
jack.valentine's user avatar